Hello, I just subscribed to the website to try and figure this out and I apologize if it's been answered before, if you could point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.
Basically my issue is that I play battlefield a lot, but my 9yo son likes fortnite. Whenever I play with him it messes with my aim because fortnite limits fov to 80 (96.86... actual horizontal), but I play battlefield at 89 vertical (133.85.... actual horizontal).
This is with 21:9, 3440x1440 resolution.
The app gives me the hipfire sens in fortnite to match the cm/36o in battlefield, but obviously this feels very squirrelly because of the extra zoom in fortnite.
How can I figure out how to match the hipfire sensitivity between these two games?
In other words if I was to use a scope in battlefield with 96.86 actual fov (coefficient 0% and USA on), I'd need the same cm/360 in fortnite hipfire.
Is there a way to do this?