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  1. I've got used to it in like 2 days
  2. I set another bind for orig fov like bind_US_standard "r" "+reload; cl_fovScale (ur FOV)"
  3. Well, it is annoying because it only affects hipfire, chaning on scope to exact number surprisingly works at the most effecient way.
  4. Hello, I've been messing around Apex Calculator and I was checking if FOV is actually calculated correctly with cl_fovScale in-game. Here is what I found. Before we start I would like to say that I've checked it on every resolution no matter what the result is the same. That error gets to HIPFIRE ONLY, but let's get started. Recently, I found that cl_fovScale doesn't 100% correctly calculate FOV to game, ex. cl_fovScale 1.25 = 87.5 in FOV Slider, but it doesn't go to 87.5, it has to be natural number so it has to round the number to NATURAL, correctly with the math it will be 88 and then it scales to ur ACTUAL hFov. So let me show you that in that range: cl_fovScale 1.250000-1.264285 means in FOV Slider: 87.5-88.49 and that stands FOR: 88 base FOV. As I don't know how to explain it, I did video. Tried my best, feel free to ask about that.
  5. Also, maybe useful note: FOV multiplier stays at 1.341899 which results in 110 HFOV in hipfire *in calculator*, however a FOV at 1.556500 has 105.5 degrees HFOV in ads but on the video FOV is the same so we have 0.5 discrepency.
  6. Sorry, for being that late, here it is: original fov: cl_fovScale 1.341899 bind: bind_US_standard "mouse2" "+zoom; cl_fovScale 1.566500" However, I have feeling like zoom_sens at 1.332 is a little bit (like 1-3%) faster than my hipfire but that could be caused by viewmodel (weapon moving to centre of screen).
  7. Hello everybody, While playing Apex Legends I encountered a problem about sensitivity during ads/scope. My settings are kinda different from average player - I have the same 1x ADS's FOV as my hipfire does. To do that I have to change FOV on scoping with a bind and as we know sensitivity on ADS changes with the change of FOV. That's where calculations had a little problem for me. My hipfire sensitivity results in 52cm/360 (0.4995625 / 1600 DPI). HFOV stays at 110 so when scoping - bind changes cl_FovScale to 1.566500. Calculations say I should set zoom_sens at 1.323147 but that results in lower sensitivity (check video). By changing zoom_sens by 0.1 each time to get the same sens - finally I got 1.332. Hope it's only small problem to solve
  8. Hello, recently I've been messing around viewspeed and cm/360 and decided to take viewspeed instead of cm/360 (from Paladins to CS:GO due to high difference of FOV) but sometimes I felt super amazing when aiming but from time to time I lost that feeling. I suppose it might be a problem of me changing from Paladins 1920x1080 to CS:GO 1440x1080 (stretched). Now I can't decide which 1 to pick, what's better monitor distance or viewspeed v2? Paladins - 1920x1080 DPI - 1600 Sensitivity - 1 FOV - 120 52cm/360 CS:GO - 1440x1080 DPI - 1600 Sensitivity - 0.45 m.yaw - 0.0165 FOV - 90 75cm/360
  9. It would be nice to see Last Man Standing here!
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