Hi there
I have a disease that makes my muscles weak, and the problem with that is i can't make fast enough mouse movements to react fast enough. I have tried many times to play with a low sensitivity to get a better aim, but it is difficult for me as it is exhausting for my arm
Now i am trying to play with a high sensitivity for my hipfire, and slow sensitivity for my ADS, as i see it as the only way to get a better aiming while ADSing. Is that a bad idea? or does it fuck up my muscle memory? Is there a better way?
One more question. In Battlefield 1 i have set my Soldier Zoom sensitivity down to 60%, Soldier Mouse sensitivity to 6, Uniform soldier aiming on, coefficent 133, ADS fov off, and FoV 64. How do i best convert that to a another game, like lets say Blackops 4?
Best regards