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  1. Hi. just a short little question When i turn Uniform Soldier Aiming off, is that 0 Monitor Distance?
  2. Thanks to you, you helped me alot
  3. Thank you. One last thing, so do i use monitor distance vertical 133% to convert to every other games for ADSing?
  4. Hi Thanks for the reply. I can see that you are using 1.50X Zoom to convert to Black Ops 4 ADS. I haven't touched any of the zoom sensitivity: I have only touched the Soldier Zoom sensitivity to 60% Should i not use that to convert from?
  5. Hi there I have a disease that makes my muscles weak, and the problem with that is i can't make fast enough mouse movements to react fast enough. I have tried many times to play with a low sensitivity to get a better aim, but it is difficult for me as it is exhausting for my arm Now i am trying to play with a high sensitivity for my hipfire, and slow sensitivity for my ADS, as i see it as the only way to get a better aiming while ADSing. Is that a bad idea? or does it fuck up my muscle memory? Is there a better way? One more question. In Battlefield 1 i have set my Soldier Zoom sensitivity down to 60%, Soldier Mouse sensitivity to 6, Uniform soldier aiming on, coefficent 133, ADS fov off, and FoV 64. How do i best convert that to a another game, like lets say Blackops 4? Best regards
  6. Yeah it is not working for me
  7. I got the same problem, it's gone from the config file hmm
  8. It may be stupid to ask, but i have one last question. Do i use Monitor Distance 75% everytime i convert my battlefield 1 mouse settings over to any game? Or is it only for PUBG? Pardon me if i am posting this in the wrong place
  9. Thank you. So i use Monitor Distance 75% to convert everything? like hipfire, targeting, 2x scope 4x,scope, 8x scope amd 15x in PUBG?
  10. Hi. It's my first time using the converter. I am not sure what method to use, viewspeed or monitor distance? I want to convert my battlefield 1 mouse settings over to PUBG 1st person mode, so it feels the exact same way. Point me in the right direction please Battlefield 1: Mouse sensetivity 12 Fov 90 Dpi 800 Uniform Soldier Aiming on / using 133 coefficient which is default ADS Fov
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