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  1. Well, I always consider my base effective DPI to be my mouse DPI(800) times my Overwatch in-game sensitivity(2, which multiplies this to 1600 eDPI, a setting I switched to about 2 nights ago.) By this logic, changing my Overwatch DPI in the blank to 1000, making the eDPI 2000 for Overwatch(my old base setting) should translate to a higher output in the Paladins(or whatever the output game) box on the page, right? I've been subscribed for about a year now and can't recall it ever doing anything other than immediately outputting my new sens to the target game's sensitivity setting. Sorry if I'm sounding crazy. I've always used the calculator to find out what setting in game B will replicate(or at least approximate) my Overwatch sens, and suddenly I'm not seeing those results pop up like they did for so long. I wonder if I'm neglecting some other setting on the page.
  2. I think I'm missing something, but am stumped: When changing the DPI value(but not my in-game sensitivity) for Overwatch(my go-to "reference" game,) I see no change at all in the target game's sens setting. I can have it at 800 DPI, then switch that to 8888 and there's no change at all. I'd bet about anything this is something I'm overlooking, but I wasn't having the issue 2 days ago. I've tried this over 20 times with Paladins, Dirty Bomb, Ziggurat, and Fortnite with it still behaving this way. Who can help me screw my head back on straight?
  3. Thought I'd check this one out despite ultra-mixed reviews! I consistently seem to get this message in the calculator regardless of how many times I change up the sensitivity/DPI(even if it's far higher than I want,) which I always adjust with Overwatch as my source game: Too low sensitivity or too high new DPI
  4. Have they made any progress at all with finally putting a decimal in the sensitivity level in the menu? I know this can be worked around from the console, but it's still absurd they don't do this when nearly every other team shooter I play(even Dirty Bomb, which has a far smaller player base) has done so for years.
  5. I play Paladins about as much, and have interest in a few others, so it's hard to say, but I do ultimately derive all sensitivity preferences from Overwatch, whatever they may change to over time. My concern with preserving the "30" is that I have a far from steady hand(hence my 2600 eDPI) and to go any higher up than that with a fine tuning scope mode level could prove hard/impossible for me. OK. I do notice that at 0 it feels close if imperfect compared to my OW "30." I guess I'll have to try it for a bit and see which strategy will work best.
  6. Firstly, thanks for going through so much trouble. This is some real service for $3/month. OK. So, in other words, to match all of this up, I would need to get used to the new 45 scoped sens in Overwatch in order to match things up with DB? If so, is 0 in DB likely to be closer to my normal 30 in OW than all of the new 45 settings? I'm tempted to try and urge the devs to give more range in DB. It's odd that what's standard in OW would be unattainable in many players' case for Dirty Bomb(kind of like the lunacy with the really high levels in The Forest.) Some games will save a console input(Paladins, for instance, or rather I think it saves it to the config file if you change it there) but will totally obliterate your settings whenever they patch the game. I imagine it's possible DB doesn't do this.
  7. Thanks. I was able to at least replicate these results, so I must have some more knowledge of how to use this than before. I still don't get if it's preserving my Widowmaker scope setting(30, which is OW's default for her) when doing all of this, and ultimately getting me an approximation of that in DB. If it does, and that final number is what I need to enter into DB's console, do you know if the game resets it each time it's booted?
  8. Hmm. The top panel here(screenshot attached) is the results of doing what I believe I did correctly. But then, how did it get to the 45 in the first place? Is that just telling me how to set OW to the same sens. as the normal hipfire level so scope/hipfire are the same? Do I likely have to compromise with a higher sensitivity due to DB not supporting a low enough one? Sorry about this. I think I'm slowly getting what you're saying, but am still confused. I kind of get the impression this screenshot indicates that viewspeed simply won't work for this particular conversion.
  9. Is there significance to 45 here? I'm also not sure what the arrows you used mean here--I only see "viewspeed" as an option in the top(Overwatch) panel currently. Do I need to first calculate something between the two games, then calculate them in a seperate action with the tool?
  10. That is unfortunate, but can you tell me if it would be more precise if I used either a higher or lower sensitivity? I'm someone that keeps changing their sens. to really fine tune and see what ultimately works best, so this may end up being less of a problem. Thanks! edit: in other words, is my Overwatch(and corresponding DB sensitivity) currently so *low* that it doesn't get more accurate than 0 in DB, or so *high* that it doesn't?
  11. OK, I did that and entered my multiplier from OW's Widowmaker sensitivity(30) and am getting this: "Calculated sensitivity too low Reduce either sensitivity 1 or new DPI" Why is this an issue now that I've entered everything? All values I entered are valid within the respective games. Thanks for your quick replies!
  12. It looks to me like things are in place to convert my Overwatch Widowmaker scope sensitivity to the scope/iron sight mode in Dirty Bomb, but I can't figure out how to do it--I keep getting the "fix input" error on this site. Any pointers? Thanks!
  13. I second this! I'd meant to suggest it but am always swamped. Also, an update of sorts on Receiver: I cannot for the life of me find a file that seems to contain a sensitivity line that can be changed, nor is anyone on Steam really giving me much to go with. I'm guessing such files are required to potentially add the game, though, right?
  14. I'm referring to Receiver. Sorry for the confusion.
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