Well, I always consider my base effective DPI to be my mouse DPI(800) times my Overwatch in-game sensitivity(2, which multiplies this to 1600 eDPI, a setting I switched to about 2 nights ago.) By this logic, changing my Overwatch DPI in the blank to 1000, making the eDPI 2000 for Overwatch(my old base setting) should translate to a higher output in the Paladins(or whatever the output game) box on the page, right? I've been subscribed for about a year now and can't recall it ever doing anything other than immediately outputting my new sens to the target game's sensitivity setting.
Sorry if I'm sounding crazy. I've always used the calculator to find out what setting in game B will replicate(or at least approximate) my Overwatch sens, and suddenly I'm not seeing those results pop up like they did for so long. I wonder if I'm neglecting some other setting on the page.