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  1. @DPI Wizard the sensitivity multiplier unit is showing 0.001843 which is not a sensitivity whatsoever in the game. Also when switching the location to in game it give a horizontal sensitivity value way to low for playing the game on. The values in the game itself are 1-100. That being said you can see that 6 is way to low for the game. Now example: apex sensitivity: 1.3 DPI: 800 FOV on Hreg 16:9: 104 Coverts to either 5 for in game or 0.001843 sensitivity multiplier unit. Neither are adequate for playing the game. This is where the difficulty is coming in because these are not playable sensitivities. Unless the DPI is set way above 800 but I'm trying to keep the same dpi for all games I play.
  2. So I'm new to sensitivity conversion and I started playing M&K on apex as my original game. I'm still trying to figure out my best sensitivity but for the most part I've found it. That being said I have friend on R6S that want me to play with them more often but I cannot for the life of me get my sensitivities to convert. My hipfire for apex legends is 1.6 with an ADS of 0.8 for all scopes. My DPI is also set to 400. Everytime I input this data into the calculator it gives me a converted sens of 50 all around for siege. No matter what number I plug into the sensitivity for apex. My FOV for apex is also 104. If anyone could help me understand why this is happening please help. Any other calculator I use gives me a really low conversion of 6 for converting 1.6 to siege. That's insanely slow for my DPI and it's not slow at all on Apex.
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