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Everything posted by thecrackstreetboys

  1. At one time I played at .971 sensitivity with 1600 dpi (1,533.6 edpi) and the default 1 multipler on the 2x scope. If I'm playing at a much lower EDPI (400-500), and I want to keep everything else the same but make the sensitivity on the 2x scope equivalent to what it was playing at 1,533.6 edpi, how do I do that? I'm assuming I would need the cm/360 value for being 2 scoped with a 1 multiplier at 1,533.6 edpi, which the calculator doesn't currently tell you, but should be possible - then just work out the multiplier that would create that cm/360 value at the current sens, right?
  2. Noob question, what do I do with SoldierZoomSensitivies? I'm aiming to mimic my Kovaak's 2560x1440p 27" 102 FOV viewspeed of 480edpi. Calc tells me to use SoldierSens 0.089227, and then it gives 19 whole different options for SoldierZoomSens, and all of them have most of the values X.XXX"d out. Why? https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=6045ac6901232874a15114e427f37586
  3. I know this reflects something basic about the overall concept of sens-matching that I'm still not getting, but can you explain why viewspeed-matching my Kovaak's hipfire at 435 edpi to Apex hipfire at 435 edpi, and the same 108 FOV, in both results in a sensitivity of 1.05... instead of 1? I thought that if you're on the same FOV and the same edpi, the concept of monitor matching wouldn't apply, you'd already be matched everywhere automatically; it's only when scoping in changes your FOV that some criteria has to be set. Why would any of the options here result in anything but 1? https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=96467cf263651c594518d704f75d0a52
  4. I thought he was showing here that the numbers are slightly off, even with - his example - 90 FOV.
  5. Got it. Perfect, thanks! Any idea why the numbers I'm getting when I try to put in 0% horizontal matching aren't quite 1 for Apex scopes? If that's a quirk with the game then I don't think I need to ask further questions about what I might be misunderstanding about setting my own mm% yet... https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=f654de02ead498c8676fbc47299ac1a8 I see! May be worth noting the reason I didn't consider that is that Apex doesn't have a separate "hipfire" sensitivity, it has a "scalar_0" that shows up under the scoped section, so it changes with the other scopes and the hipfire section -- I'm not sure if it even does anything to Apex, actually.
  6. Something about the way the guides are written is making me reread sentences 15 times even though I deal with technical writing for work. Am I right that this https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=24e6d156800f1c3cdfb779a5b8f869d2 gives me my 360° values? I think I do need to keep my iron sight / 1x scopes closer to this value. The main way I get killed is when people cross close enough that I misjudge the 45 or 90° turn to recenter on them based on whether I’m scoped in or not. And the transition to punching distance is where I really inexplicably screw up. I set FOV Type to Hdeg 16:9 there, but I’m not seeing anything that tells me how Kovaak’s and Apex calculate it, and I don’t know why this section wouldn’t be auto-filled and locked based on the game selected. I’m also not seeing it affect the output with a quick swap back and forth... With the two different values for scalar_0 depending on whether you’re using a pistol or an AR, am I right that you can’t enter anything in the .cfg to equalize these values since you can only put a number to scalar_0 once? I’ve always ran out of tracking space or tracked too slowly when I try to use iron sight ARs in this game do I just avoid it. I’m assuming there’s no workaround and you just have to pick which weapon class to make fit your target, one always being faster or slower by an amount that’s arbitrary when you’re not shooting for 0%? And if I want to try 1.78, I just change that 133.333% value in your link to 178%, right?
  7. Hey guys, I've just subbed here for the calculator and I need a little help making it work. I've been training in Kovaak's with top 100 to 300 scores in every scenario I practice, while whiffing shots in Apex routinely. I'm here hoping to fix this. I've worked out that the scope_sensitivity_scalar in Apex is a huge part of my problem. I'm trying to get the right values for 2x scopes and up especially. I tried this calculator https://jscalc.io/calc/6gCfepwF6YtTP6lB which has you enter your Apex FOV and then uses a 1.33 coefficient to calculate new scalars. Already, my in-game results are far closer to what I expect based on Kovaak's, but things still don't quite feel right. I'm on 101 FOV in Apex, but Apex distorts that number when slid in-game so I entered the actual 101/70 calculation for the fov_scale into the settings.cfg. This means my actual FOV_Scale is 1.442857142857143. This is supposed to equalize the FOV between Apex and what I'm practicing on in Kovaak's. And now I've just heard that the 1.33 coefficient is supposed to be for 1920x1080 monitors. I'm on a 27" HP Omen, 2560x1440. So I subbed here after hearing that a 1.78 coefficient is appropriate for my monitor, and looking for a tool that would help me to do that. From what I understand, the issue is that these numbers based on 1.33, and on Apex's distorted 101 FOV instead of my actual 101 FOV, are still slowing my scope speed down by an inappropriate amount. Now, when I try to enter the values into the calculator here, I'm getting numbers lower than 1, or I'm getting numbers lower than what the 1.33 calculator gives me. So I must not be entering something correctly, but I don't know what I could be overlooking. I'm showing 16:9 aspect ratio in in-game video settings in Apex, while Kovaak's doesn't display this as far as I know. I don't have any clue what the "FOV type" entries are for in the calculator here. The jscalc.io page based on 1.33 coefficient and Apex's false 101 FOV gives me mouse_use_per_scope_sensitivity_scalars "1" mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_0 "1.1039575785869957" mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_1 "1.2662782420181493" mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_2 "1.32575600611312" mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_3 "1.3475397529978426" mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_4 "1.3634282256835493" mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_5 "1.3690558967639974" mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_6 "1.3716726145580913" Entering these numbers has allowed me to drop my effective DPI (using Raw Accel to get the same in every game, program, and Windows) to 747, and three or four tap with the Wingman and also get one-clips with the R3 while scoped in. Previously I could do one or the other depending on my sensitivity settings, but never both. I found myself needing to raise the sensitivity up for 2x scope tracking, to the point that the Wingman was completely unreliable. So I've already gone a long way to solve my problem, but I'd like to know what the 1.78 coefficient and a more accurate FOV_scale (mine is 101/70 or 1.442857142857143, which is not what using the in-game slider to enter 101 FOV would result in) would give me. I'd also like a clearer understanding of the math involved here and what all these terms mean! I've already done a single monthly sub, but I'm likely to get lifetime membership and recommend this to all my squads if I can get some help here :))
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