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Everything posted by Quackerjack

  1. wait what what what my head is burning. Pls tell us noobs what the best to use now, is viewspeed 2 now wrong to calculate desktop to ingame sensitivity? what about that? http://ulko.net/sensitivity/?lang=en this give the same as monitor distance 0
  2. i use default fov in csgo u cant change it there 16:9 in pubg i set via config 106.26, i checked the config file in pubg and it says i use 106.260003
  3. Hi, if i want my csgo sens to Pubg is this right? I also want same FoV.
  4. I talk about Csgo with raw input on. I know if raw input off its change ur sensitivity 100 percent, but i got the feeling with raw input on its the same.
  5. Hi, is the sensitivity influenced by the fps number? I ask this because i got the feeling if i cap my fps at a constant number the sensitivity feels slower. If i uncap the sensitivity it feels a bit faster. So if u have fluctuating fps numbers the sensitivity becomes fast and slow, even with raw input. I googled it a lot and some ppl say yes some no. Hope some wizard can help me on that
  6. V2 is slower than V1 V1 gives me 1.05..... yea but hipfire is way faster than scoped in bf i mean why its preference one should be closer to my ads sensitivity for csgo or?
  7. so i done it right and should use V2? Yea i just mean V2 gives me lower setting
  8. i guess why, i try to convert ma Bf4 ADS sensitivity for CSGO, think thats why V2 is slower.
  9. @Bryjoe for me V2 gives the lower sensitivity
  10. yea iam with u Snook_, engl. is not my native language its hard to understand the difference for me for V1 and V2
  11. i still dont get it. Is 0.81......... now the same as my sensitivity or is it 0.97.... I read over and over
  12. oh i thought 1 setting is near to my sens from the other game. So i thought viewspeed gives me the most closes sens from one game to the other. What u recommend?
  13. oh so monitor distance is better than viewspeed? Iam confused
  14. someone checked this out? I wonder whos right now. They calculator gives me a number of 0.97....
  15. Theres a program on the internet to set mouse acceleration. I dont know the name u have to google it. With this program u can set a specific acceleration and u can get used to it and use it than for both games. Or just use windows mouse acceleration.
  16. push?!?!????????
  17. when will u add wizard?
  18. U can try this too: ingame sense lets say its 0.0105. The multiplier of bf4 zoom is 0.6 so 0.0105*0,6=0.0063. This should be your actuall Zoom-Sensitivity. If u do it the way above u mentioned u dont have to change your close sens range because USA ON gives you your hipfire sensitivity in ADS. This will let u know about USA https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/de/forum/threadview/2979150494051524581/ This site can help u also https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/43urd4/why_0818933027098955175_is_the_best_zoom/ http://imgur.com/a/ZXWPg
  19. yea ok u can change fovs when cheat 1 enabled. But if u change fov your sensitivity change. And u cant change fov in matchmaking or train servers so i would leave it on default. Just try what i posted. I wrote Wizard many times about add USA off, dont know if it happens. Hope he can answer here
  20. This Calculator use USA ON for the calculations. If u want USA turn it on in the options. Fov scaling is a option in the graphic settings if i remember right. If u use scaling on it zooms less in (at 90 fov ads is zoom fov is 83). If u use fov scalling off it zooms in u have a fov of 55 then. So this are two different Settings. Hipfire is just the moving around speed off your unsoped sensitivity. It doesnt depent on USA. USA just effect your Zoom sensitivity. If u didnt play with USA on u cant use the calculator for this calculations. Try this: Go in BF4 Zoom in and find out how much cm u need for a 360° turn. Find out what Actual VFOV it is. Example for Bf4 90 Fov ADS Fov with scaling on is 83 Fov. Go in Csgo Type in console Fov 83. Try to match sensitivity so that u have the same 360° turn as in bf4 zoomed in. Now go to the calculator and type the sensitivity u found out in and the 83 fov and convert this to 90 fov csgo (csgo is 90 fov fixed u cant change it) Then u should have ur Bf4 ADS sensitivity in Csgo. At least thats the way i did and it comes pretty close. Hope it helps if u have question just ask. Sorry for my bad engl.
  21. yes just use usa on. Also there is a fault on the calculato: Zoom factor 1x and USA ON is excat the same sensitivity as hipfire cause 1x Zoom doesnt zoom in at all it stays on the same fov. But the calculator say u have to increase your soldier zoom sensitivity for 1x scopes. Correct me please if iam wrong.
  22. Sadly not. I did some tests myself and its different. So in order to get my ADS Sensitivity i set this. It says ADS sensitivity is about 35 cm. When i go ingame and mess this out i get arround 66 cm.
  23. i dont know mate i want to know this too. Btw whats up with USA Off?
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