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Everything posted by cchhqq

  1. i am now using sens of 400 dpi 2.5 in csgo. This sens works fine for me but i kind of feel like that it is very easy for my arm to get tired. After few hours, my performance will decrease a lot. Should I use a little bit higher sens to let myself to have my best performance for longer?
  2. anyone can tell me what calculator I should use to transfer sens in aimbooster to sens in overwatch and csgo?
  3. @potato psoas so you mean they are now working are a new calculator? do you know when will the new one be released?
  4. @Drimzi I am kind of curious what does the "diagonal monitor match" in your description. I thought that you used to write here viewspeed2 matched there. Does it mean that you use viewspeed2 to sync your sens in desktop and game before? and does this "diagoanl monitor math" point to the monitor distance one?
  5. I am curious about this. I am still not sure if it is necessary and helpful to sync sensitivity of desktop and sens in game. Want to know whether doing this is the best for muscle memory. Or what is the best way to find my own perfect sensitivity?
  6. @50095 fov就是field of view,翻译应该就视野范围。就是pubg里最大是103那个,那里调只会对第一人称有影响,fov大会感觉移动更快,视野更广,但目标更小,守望先锋和pubg都是103,这里是指的真实fov,而一般大家所说的90 fov像csgo里那种是horizontal fov,不知道翻译成平行fov行不行,相当于106真实fov。而像战地里那种fov是垂直fov,真实106相当于74,而,103相当于71。一般来说玩射击游戏都是将fov调高,可以再获得更快转身速度同时保持低的viewspeed,也就是瞄准的sens还是比较低。但太大也会导致目标过小,或者游戏真实感降低。90的horizontal fov应该是比较流行的,尽量接近就好。
  7. I asked this question before. Seems like none of them work for now. If my memory is correct, 10.64 in overwatch is same with windows, which means like 3.1? or 3.3 in csgo. You can use viewspeed2 to transfer this 10.64 in overwatch to help you get the in game sens of csgo
  8. @Drimzi omg, this relatively too high for me. I think may be better to stick to my original sens. Thank you so much for your help.
  9. @Drimzi emmm..im a non-native speaker of English, I am not really sure that i understand all what you want say in that post. Do you mean that using viewspeedv2 will give the same view speed for the desktop?
  10. I am confused that what I should use to transfer the sens of my windows to same sens in overwatch and battlefield. I tried viewspeed2 and monitor distance 75. but I feel like that 9.28 in ow and 15% in battlefield feels faster than the sens on desktop. So, is it possible to transfer sens from desktop to game? if it is, what should I use for game like bf4,1 and ow.
  11. @DPI Wizard Yeah, I think so. I believe that all flies are still in English, just other languages in game.
  12. @DPI Wizard Yeah, he just says that translation for game names and aims are necessary. I personally believe that translation and explaination in aim and things like 360 distance or viewspeed may be even more important than the game names. Usually, players of those games actually know about games' English name. But I don't think it is common for people understand differences between hipfire, scope even in Chinese. You may need to add further explanation for these. Same situation for viewspeed 1,2 and 360 distance. For this part, I think you can just get someone to add Chinese and other language subtitles for the tutorial videos you people already have made.
  13. @QQQonly 你回中文管理员应该是看不懂的。。。
  14. 兄弟,好像有戏,管理员说他们想在以后加入别的语言。
  15. @DPI Wizard He wants to know whether you guys can add Chinese language in the future. He says that a lot of Chinese starts to know about this website and will begin to use. He had bought the 60$ premium but does not know how to use because of the language barrier.
  16. fps也最近才因为ow和pubg恢复了些热度,玩鼠标的人也不多,了解这种细节的就更少了。估计他们不会专门出中文。不过这网站要用的单词也都很简单,估计四级词汇都够了,或者稍微查一下。 如果有不懂怎么用的,我可以帮下你。
  17. 理论上最好是腰射用360°,开镜用viewspeed2。 但你就所有都用viewspeed2就行了。在dpi处输入灵敏度,sensitivity那输入游戏内速度 select game哪里选择你玩的游戏。上面是被转换的,下面是转换过去的,两个都输入你在游戏中使用的fov。往下翻看actual fov可以对比一下看两个游戏fov是否一样。fov对360没影响,对viewspeed会有影响。就用viewspeed2就行了,信我。360 distance已经过时了。买这个就是为了viewspeed的
  18. Thank you so much, Your explaination makes much more sense than those videos which just say higher dpi will be smoother. But does it mean that i need to use the dpi as high as possible? or the dpi will be the same if it beyonds certain amount? like 1600 or 3200? I am using mouses with 3366 and 3310. I heard that 3310 is also native on all levels, so I guess that every dpi is also same accurate for 3310?
  19. Hi. I am a player of bf series, ow and pubg. I play under 1080p. I watched several videos on youtube talking about low dpi and high dpi. Seem like that some of them says that 400 is always better and some says that higher dpi and lower in game sens is better. So... which one is better 400 or 800 for same viewspeed in game. if you use 800 and lower in game sens, wont you feel that mouse is too fast when you browse? However, if I use 400, I kind of feel like that mouse is too slow in games like league of legends....
  20. I am a bf series main players and I always use 13%, 400 dpi and 84 vertical fov in this game. I am not sure that I should use 360 distance or viewspeed to transfer from bf to overwatch. I tried use distance, it says I should use 8.51 in OW. but I feel this speed is really too fast in the game. When i use 7.27 from viewspeed, it works fine when I try to aim people in relatively long distance but it is pain to play with when I get closer with others. I guess this is because the I am ususally closer and need to turn more frequently in OW. So using viewspeed makes me really tired. I am new to this calculator and dont really understand the difference between 360 distance, monitor distance and viewspeed. Which one I should use to transfer sensitivity?
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