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Everything posted by cchhqq

  1. But how to set the coefficient value to get 0%MM? the default 133% is 75%MM right?
  2. I feel like adjusting sens in this game is kind of close to adjusting sens in WPS. But lol seems also has raw input, when I use 800 4/11, the dpi in lol is still 800. So if I use 40 800 in lol, will there will decceleration? same problem for osu!, if I dont use 1 sens in 2d game like these two, will there be acceleration?
  3. Sir, I find out that when I started to get used to 0% match from desktop sens. I feel like that my 400 dpi on desktop faster. Is this just my personal situation or have any certain reason behind it? does it have anything to do with that 0% match the velocity?
  4. 这位兄弟的英文很有我朝人民的感脚,所以我就直接中文回了。你现在换了显示器,分辨率不同了,按理说dpi也应该会有所调整,因为800在这两个屏幕上的速度是略微有不同的。但其实我认为你完全没必要去更改你游戏内的sens,直接用1.15就行了。 转换灵敏度的话,个人觉得用monitor distance 0%或者56.25%是优于v2,v1,360的选择。
  5. you even use regedit to get a better sens to sync 2d and 3d. You are so hardcore my friend. Is converting sens from desktop to 3d games that helpful? I used to thought this conversion between 2d and 3d only help a little.
  6. I also want to use higher dpi. But I also play some games like bordland2 whose lowest sensitivty in setting with any dpi higher than 400 still feels very fast. 400 or 500 also makes me feel better in rpg games with their default sens. for these reason, i give up the benefits from using high dpi with low sens
  7. I am curious how do you get this 3 wps, in my setting, there is only 3/11 which is 4 in the calculator.
  8. So how does the grip style affect the sensitivity people choose? like palm grip will use lower sensitivity when claw can use finger to do more micro adjustment?
  9. it seems work, but I may need more time to get used to it. it is kind of amazning you get used to such a high sensitivity, I remember u used to use around 40cm to 50cm for a long time? I usually use 36cm and 30cm is still kind of hard for me to control.
  10. 0% is kind of hard hard to get used to. Every time I enter the 3d game, kind of feel like that in game sens is much faster than desktop. I am curious that do you use 0% to transfer your desktop sensitivity like Mr potato does? what is your 360cm under 106 fov now?
  11. Thank you for your advice, I will try it out
  12. so what do you recommand to convert desktop sensitivity now?
  13. I leanred this point from your previous posts. I think this may be the reason why smaller the montoe distance match give higher sensitivity in calculator. but how does this affection from distance to percieved speed influence conversion from 2d to 3d? Do you mean that we only can match the sensitivity between 2d and 3d at certain monitor distance? Like if you match 75%, the sensitivty in 3d game when you flick to a enemy at the edge of your 75% monitor will be the same with the speed you move your cursor at 75% of your monitor ondesktop. but if this is true, seems like 0% is the optimal way to convert from 2d to 3d since crosssair will always at center. And since the target does not only appear on the edge of 75% monitor or edge of 100% monitor . So matching at 75% or 100% seems not very meaningful. Using 0% to gain better tracking performance seems better. Is this right?
  14. sir, Is what you said here also apply to transfer from desktop to 3d games? or because there is no fov in desktop, so it does not matter? Is using 0% transfer desktop also better than others in long term?
  15. You two make me really wanna try 0% now. Especially when drimizi says that others are detrimental to aim in long run. I started to think that that may be a little reason why I feel like that my aim in overwatch and pubg feel much worse than my aim in csgo and battlefield.
  16. Thank you for ur explaination. Does this mean that 0% is also better for accuracy than other monitor distance match except 100%? like 75% or 56.25? and if 56.25% is for 16:9. is 42.18% for 21:9 same with 56.25% for 16:9? How about 0% or 75% for different display aspect ratio Are they the same?
  17. is there any reason behind this idea?
  18. Understood. Thank you for your explanation.
  19. if they can be helpful, why? and how can match 2d game sensitivity (windows sens) and 3d game sensitivity to be helpful? Is it meaningful to match desktop sens and 3d game sens?
  20. But i am kind of worry for higher dpi, 1 sensitivity change in game will change overall sensitivity a lot. In this kind of situation, it may be harder to get precise match between games. For example, in ow, if I use 1600 dpi and 2 in game. When I transfer the sens to battlefield. Calculator tells me that it is 1%. But 1% in bf actually much faster than 2 in OW. I want to know whether using higher dpi is really a lot better than using lower one. or the influence is actually relatively small and will not affect aim precise.
  21. I used to use 800 dpi and 1.4 in csgo. And i have tried to sync my windows sens and in-game for over 3 months through using monitor distance 75%. Now i am using 400dpi and 2.85 in game. But i feel like that my warm up time does not really change much. It takes me about same time to practice to achieve best performance for my aim. Should I change back to 800dpi? since higher dpi is smoother.
  22. Does this have anything to do with common resolution for pros in two games? i thought that sens under different resolution in 3d games are the same. So why this is the case?
  23. 哈哈,我也用mm75,也是因为我一直玩csgo和bf。所以习惯了这种感觉。不想换了。 56.25%确实我也觉得可能合更多人胃口。在玩ow时,感觉zoom 43确实比45更舒服。但我还是用的75。。 感觉现在论坛里好多人用56.25%了。potato疯狂安利0%,感觉用的人还是没太多。毕竟0%还是有点慢太多了。2d到3d用0%又超级快,都28cm了,这论坛发帖的感觉能接受这么高sens的不太多。
  24. 按那种输出方法确实是你给出的值。但2d转3d现存的方法都有挺大的distortion。并没有3d到3d那么准确(也不是说3d到3d就完全准确了)题主并不是同步桌面灵敏度的玩家,所以按照75%约等于v2的方法对他来说比较准确,也对大部分人来说比较有用。 2d到3d我感觉更多的是提供一个更精确的转换结果。比如说2d到csgo,2d到ow,2d到bf,这几个结果会更加同步(more precise match)。如果从csgo 一个灵敏度转到所有其他游戏,会比这个稍微不准一点。当然,这是drimiz说会更准确。我是觉得差别不大。 还有我觉得就是2d到3d是新手fps一个比较好的上手方式。也能让在aim400kg,aimbooster里面的水平更多的发挥到3d游戏中。 drimiz这个人我觉得还是很有点东西的,还有拿个potato啥的。我把他们两个的帖子基本都翻了一遍了。不过他们的观点感觉还是有些地方不同的。他们关于0%, 100% match的看法差不多。但drimiz推崇56.25%和v2。最开始他推的v2,这个好像还是他自己设计的算法,后面推56.25%,现在两个都推了。不过不知道他现在用的啥。他把自己设置介绍取消了。 potato觉得中间75%什么的都是0%和100的结合版。(我觉得这个很有道理)他觉得iewspeed1和2就是错的,56.25%也只是一个arbitrary值,显示器比列变了,就不同了。之前还一个大神也是觉得viewspeed就是错的。这两个人都是推0%match的。 我还是比较偏向drimiz的看法,他推的两个我自己游戏里感觉同步比较准确点。但0%match在玩高倍镜时会更舒服,按zoom scale确实很有感觉。
  25. 比如说bf1 15% 400 dpi, 69.5% 转换到ow就是9.15. 你用75%和v2都会给9.16. 总不能说给出结果更不一样的69.5%反而更接近v2把?之前我很久以前已经问过monitor distance 75%和v2的问题了。wizard和drimiz都说了是75%和v2给出来的结果一样。 不信的话你可以自己再测试一下结果。虽然结果总的上差不多,但69.5总会少0.01,而75会和v2给的结果一摸一样。 我倒是很好奇你说的v2 71,v1 69.5%的结论是哪里来的,从来没再论坛里见到过这种说法。。。
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