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  1. Well guys, if you really like to think that you're hybrids, i'm happy for you. I'm not a hybrid
  2. I can't explain such simple things, just look at the pictures
  3. There are no hybrids. You're palm-grip user. it does not matter whether the base of the mouse fingers touch.
  4. This can be FPS difference. I don't know how but I distinguish 60 fps from 120 fps. Or maybe engine specificity.
  5. I think that 30cm/360 is the lower border for "pure" arm aiming.
  6. Try to match windows desktop to 90 degrees turn in game. Ex: 1920x1080@800 dpi, 1920/800=2.4 inches. 2.4 * (360/90) = 9.6 inches -> 360 distance in calculator -> 7.1 ingame. It's a statring point, find your best at +/- 10% range (in inches), i.e from 8.64 to 10.56 inches.
  7. I think it's not a normal, dude. Did you using special "device" for hand or is it hanging in the air?
  8. No, claw and fingertip grips are good for low senses.
  9. If you have a palm grip, 800 dpi will be too high. You will need to change the grip type, this will take up to 2 weeks. If not, just switch to 800 and work with windows.
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