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LANGE1989's Achievements

  1. Aha! Thank you so much. This sseems like it might be exactly what I needed. Am I understanding the 0-100% slider of MDH correctly, so that 100% would be most accurate as the edge of my screen, 0% most accurate at 0 degrees, and whichever %-value I choose will have a corresponding x cm off my current crosshair placement where it is most accurate?
  2. @mobsheep Thanks for your reply. Ive been reading the forums after my post, and I think you are correct that ultimately what I would prefer is monitor distance conversion - is that what people refer to as 0% monitor match? Im playing with the calculator at the moment to try to do that, but Im unsure how to achieve it.
  3. How exactly do I adjust my ADS sens so hitting a target 5 cm from my crosshair hipfiring(90 FOV)takes the same/closest to same amount of mouse movement as hitting a target 5 cm from my crosshair when I ADS with AR(56.178 FOV)?
  4. Hello everyone, TL;DR How exactly do I adjust my ADS sens so hitting a target 5 cm from my crosshair hipfiring(90 FOV)takes the same/closest to same amount of mouse movement as hitting a target 5 cm from my crosshair when I ADS with AR(56.178 FOV)? Thanks for checking out my post - I hope someone can help me! After reading a reddit post about perfect zoom sens for CSGO(about 0,82 depending on preference) I realised that is EXACTLY what I want for RUST. What Im trying to achieve: I want to be able to use my muscle memory from hipfire aiming to ADS/Holosight ADS. I want these to be/feel as close as possible when making small-range flicks (5 cm from my crosshair) My understanding of the CSGO "perfect" zoom sens, is that 1.0 will be the same as ur hipfire when the target appears at the edge of your screen, but 0.82 is most accurate right next to ur cursor and out to 5cm from ur cursor. In other words when using 0.82 zoom sens in CSGO means that if u are unscoped(90 FOV) and a target appears 5cm from ur crosshair, it requires as close as possible to the same amount of mouse movement by the aimer as it does to move your aim scoped (40 FOV)to a target appearing 5cm from your crosshair. Right? Now this 0.82 number is based on a specific CSGO AWP calculation, and I cant figure out how to replicate that to Rust, nor am I sure the games use the same formulas to calculate sens/how they affected by FOV. My RUST FOV: 90 FOV FOV when ADS with AR: 56.178 FOV 0.5 sens 1.0 ADS sens Im not sure on the terminology exactly, so Im sorry if I dont describe it well/correctly.
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