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  1. Hey guys I have been playing mnk on cod for a while and I kinda been stuck on finding what sens works best for me. My stats in the game are good and Anything between 30-45cm feels good for me but seems to have a lack of consistency from day to day. Is there a way for my to find what works best for me without getting stuck in this loophole of changing my sens everyday. Thank you.
  2. Hello everyone, I’m just in a debate regarding to monitor distance coefficient. So quick question in Call of Duty, Ads Sensitivity type set to Relative and monitor distance coefficient set at 0 is the same as Focal Length Scaling?
  3. Hello everyone, I was wondering if there’s an optimal range of cm/360 for Warzone that I can try and find what works best for me without playing on some sens that doesn’t suit the way the game plays.
  4. Ok thank you for the explanation.
  5. Hey guys I recently discover this website and I have been learning a lot with all the info here. I mainly play COD and I was wondering how can I get the best of my aim when it comes to the monitor distance coefficient setting and I have doubts on what is the correct way to set it to. I play 35cm/360 on a 1440p monitor. Thank you in advance.
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