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  1. Having played several hours, ADS feels still pretty fast actually. I‘am now at 42 cm, which feels good for hipfire and movement. Doe’s it make sense to add a lower scale value to the MDH conversion or should I just stick with these settings?
  2. I see, this drove me crazy yesterday. ^^ ty
  3. Thank you very much for your fast anwser.
  4. Hello, can someone tell me if I have done everything right here. I want to set Hunt Showdown with 40 cm / 360° and MDH 0% in the IronSight and Scope. Monitor is WQHD 27 inch. I ask because the settings feel kind of weird. The IronSight seems too slow to me somehow. But maybe I'm just not used to these settings. I also wanted to set my desktop to the same MDH for better muscle memory. Hence the 500 DPI. The settings are all correctly stored in the Config. Mouse Multiplier is at 1 in the Config. Have I considered everything correctly or is something wrong? https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=c3f6dc6af38d4139b58ec440fd7f7abc
  5. I was also very surprised when I noticed how off my Razer DA2 is. I set 1450 DPI in the software and get about 1615 real DPI. But with these settings now fit my 360° in games.
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