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  1. Some details that I should have included above about the settings I use: Sensitivity: 500 DPI 1.0 In-game sense on Source engine games WPS 6/11 which results in a 83.13 cm 360° distance. I try to match this distance in all of my games to help me build up muscle memory (I understand this is not optimal as you mentioned with the Quake example above but this distance feels good to me so far in all of the FPS games, it helps that I have an enormous mouse pad.) FOV: Vertical FOV = 73.74° Horizontal FOV = 121.67° I use this to match CSGO's 90° 4:3 FOV. ========================================================================================================================================================== Thank you for your fantastic answer, My understanding of having 0% as the MDC value was that the sensitivity would be scaling to the very centre of the FOV, resulting in the game effectively "not using" an MDC and giving me linear mouse movement. I am likely wrong in my understanding of this but I intereperated it from this image in the MDC explanation post: My primary goal is to achieve the exact same mouse movement feeling in all of my games but it seems like that it is not possible because: Not all games share the same default MDC or even have an MDC as you explained above. Some games like CS:GO and DOOM do not allow the user to modify the MDC, preventing me from being able to set them to 0, so that they do not use an MDC. Are these my 2 understandings correct?
  2. (I should preface this by saying that I play on a 3440 x 1440 monitor, which is ultrawide, or an aspect ratio of 2.39:1) I am currently trying to decide which MDC (Monitor Distance Coefficient) value will allow me to have the most consistent mouse feeling across all games. 0% seems like it should be the best but many games seem to default to a MDC value of 133%. In games that don't have a Monitor Distance Coefficient setting, should I assume the value is 0%, 133% or something else?
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