Hi, you never added Destiny sniper scope to the calculator. Because of Destiny's limited ADS sensitivity modifiers it would be nice to know just how big of a discrepancy there is when you go from pulse rifle at 2.1x zoom (Red Dot you added), hand cannon at 1.5x, to a sniper at 5.7x. All sniper players would choose to have highest accuracy between their hip and sniper even at the cost of lower accuracy with primary weapons.
This is a loot game so it's harder for you to obtain a sniper to test of course, so let me say the following things:
- because of pathetic small corridor maps all serious players use low zoom snipers
- because of D1 legacy most players gravitate towards snipers with the old Destiny 1 Ambush SLH25 scope
- because of the above most customers would love to have exactly this zoom level available in the calculator
- blue/rare and more easily obtainable sniper than some others in the game for you is Aachen-LR2 with an Ambush SLH25 scope (also happens to be a fan favorite)
- other blue/rare and purple/legendary snipers that have the following scopes also land on the ideal 5.7x line: Ambush SLH25, Zoom 10 Point, Shortgaze SLH10, SSO-08, The Long Walk (this last one is not a scope name but a sniper rifle name from Trials Of The Nine with a unique scope also at 5.7x)