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Everything posted by Sirpedrovic

  1. Is changing the vertical and horizontal sensitivities a good way to counter sensitivity changes in stretched resolutions such as 4:3 on csgo??
  2. i was looking at this formula to calculate the correct aperture to match fov witch csgo i got the value of 1208x680 but since fortnite is horizontaly clamped, instead of 680 can i just use 1080 and get the same result but with a bigger fov?
  3. The calculator displays the same fov for hipfire and targeting. And i am sure there is a difference
  4. black bars is the same as default resolution since there is no stretch. So 1920 x 1080
  5. The most used way to do 2d 3d conversions is 0%MM so you could just do this
  6. Matching the fov means that you are matching everything (tracking, flicking, 180ing) which means that you will be more consistent If you have diferent FOVs on diferent games you will be compromising in some areas. In your case since you match at 0% you are maintaining tracking but losing on your flicks What you can do if a game has a locked fov is to use this guide:
  7. Wondering if was possible to stablish a relation between the two I tried this: (43.2[monitor width]*360/106.26[FOV]) and (0.0225[distance of a single pixel]*360/0.08[FOV of a single pixel]) = cm/360 but both results are too slow so i would like to know if i missed something or if i didnt i just shouldnt try this because of the extremely low sens
  8. I just tried that on OW and the whole screen changes its not like cs that you just have black bars on the sides but in this case i also get them on the top and bottom of the screen. Is it really working?
  9. Vertical and horizontal fov dont scale in a 1:1 ratio so you cant do that. but your idea is not wrong just go try and error until you get 73.74
  10. Most people use 0%M.M. to convert destop to games If you find it too fast like i did just try to start training your aim on a 3d trainer like aim hero
  11. I would say 0% MM
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