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Everything posted by Rafael

  1. Name: UNCHARTED™: Legacy of Thieves Collection Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1659420/UNCHARTED_Legacy_of_Thieves_Collection/ Status: released Release date: 19 Oct, 2022 Availability:$49.99
  2. I can't find settings files in games I got with Xbox Beta. I tried following the paths posted here and even seaching by the file names. It seems that these files are encrypted or hiden in some diferent place. It happens only with games I got in Xbox beta service. Unfortantly, set mouse sensitivity in-game sometimes is to much inacurate.
  3. [SOLVED] I solved the problem by formatting and reinstalling windows.
  4. I tried to use everything defalt with no success. Even used a mouse from a diferent brand. I suppose much more players have been soffering with these but just a few notice it. Some times there is only a tiny diference, but it`s annoyng for me.
  5. I've just tried a corsair mouse and it keeps with the same bug. I think it's a issue with the game itself. Saddly, the newest update does'nt solve it.
  6. I have exactly the same mouse and the same problem...
  7. I am sofering with the same problem. All started after the last update, a few weeks ago. Usually my sensitivity is ok till I use a scope or tank. After that, my hipfire and all the others sensitivitys get crazy. I think it is a bug in the game because everything goes fine in another games like Apex, PUBG e etc. What's your mouse? Maybe it's a driver incompatibilty.
  8. I am in doubt about the equivalent in BF1 of targeting and scoping in PUBG. Would it be 1.25x for targeting, for example? Sorry, I'm too newbie!!
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