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  1. It should be simple. Just use 360 degree distance and it should be close enough. viewspeed is I believe for flicking, as it matches that in your screenshot. But also too, the fov difference matters since you can either have viewspeed or 360 distance, but not both if the fov is not the same (90 in csgo doesnt technically mean 90 in pubg either). I may not be correct on any of it but thought I'd reply back to help
  2. With the new 1.0 patch, FOV is a bit different than before. FOV from old servers converted from FpsCamearFov to FpsCameraFov in the new patch. When I would set 99 on the old servers, it would be 90 on test servers. FpsCamearFov is deprecated now as FpsCameraFov has taken over.
  3. Would 600 dpi be correct in the conversion?
  4. Thank you for your help. I've switched it to 600 dpi to try out.
  5. Would the dpi also account the 24 to 27 inch difference? 1.125 would be 27/24, and it ends up being 600 dpi if I multiply 550 by it.
  6. It's for PUBG/Desktop. 400 dpi on 1440p seems really low for dragging inventory when the mouse cursor shows up.
  7. I've wanted to convert 400 dpi to fit the same speed after a resolution and screen size change. Is it possible to convert 400 dpi from 1080p 24 inch to 1440p 27 inch? Thank you
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