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  1. These are my game settings, are they plugged in correct? I've changed it all over and plugged in a 1.21 in the "Sensitivity 2" It changed my apex aim values as well, I'm assuming those wouldn't be correct though because Apex doesn't have a mdc option, or would I be wrong in assuming that?
  2. okay and I don't need to change anything else? just plug in the game values, change those 3 over to Jedi's Trick and the values displayed below will be correct? Also are the scope values already at 1:1 or is there another trick to achieve that? (Thanks for the active help btw)
  3. What do I change here so I can get the right sens to use when I change over to the jedi trick in game
  4. I'm confused still. I was asking that as a question, what do I fill up for this, I'm going to be doing this once and just need to understand how to plug in the right info. I just wanna convert my sensitivity from apex to mw2 whilst using a monitor coefficient of 1.21. I just don't know how to do the monitor distance coefficient on the calculator, I know it will change the results, so a screenshot or something just showing how would be awesome.
  5. Basically I know to set the scale to 75% for 1.33 and 100% for 1.78, along with plugging them into the "Sensitivity 2" slot. But what percentage do I use for the jedi coefficient (1.21)?
  6. Hey everyone! I don't understand most of this at all, going from same game to different dpi is easy but now I need to switch over my settings from Apex to the new COD and can't figure out how to implement the monitor distance coefficient. I'm gonna try the jedi trick and play at 1.21 so I want to be able to implement it into the calculation for most accuracy. Thanks!
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