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Everything posted by KaiDNG

  1. Sadly not.
  2. So I just copied the values from you and also went with the 19 x and y sens and it does the following. It looks a bit laggy but it was again around 2 360s.
  3. The calculator always worked perfectly and I used across a lot of games, so I don't think I made any mistake while using the calculator either. Also tried resetting the in game settings but nothing seems to help.
  4. Yes it is.
  5. That's so weird. I never have problems with the calculator on this site. It's always perfect but somehow for The last of Us I can't seem to fix it. I tried everything multiple times now. Thank you guys anyways.
  6. I now used my settings from CS:GO and put them in Kovaaks. It almost made two complete 360s with those settings. And if I am measuring a 360 I get a 4.3 sens for CS:GO which is waaay too high and doesn't nearly represent the 2.4 I normally use. Checked my DPI again as well. Still have that weird sens. For it to work for me I have to use a value around 17-19, then it feels mostly similar.
  7. Thank you very much. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  8. Yes I did and my DPI didn't change either. Went through all my configs for DPI and only got faster as it should because 400 is the lowest I set up.
  9. Hey, for me the sensitivity somewhow doesn't work. I am right now using 400 dpi on Look sensitivity of 19 for around 42-44cm. But when using the calculator it says 19 would be somewhere in the 70s. Is there anything wrong with the calculations here or am I missing something?
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