Does going from Black Bars to stretched change sensitivity? If yes can you explain how? Tons of people on reddit have been saying it doesn't but using your calculator it is showing it does.
I am trying to find out what dpi I would need to have to match my CSGO which is 2.2 @ 400 dpi. Your calculator is saying I would need to use 350 dpi to have the same view speed as I would have in game with 2.2 @ 400. The problem is 350 dpi is a lot slower than 2.2 @ 400 dpi. Like it’s slow enough where I can guarantee that something isn’t right. Just based on moving the mouse around in game and on my desktop it seems that to match the speed in game I would have to use around 700 dpi in Windows. Very different from the 350 dpi.
1. Convert from sensitivity or distance? If from distance is that my mousepad?
2. Convert to 360 degree, viewspeed or monitor distance?
3. If from monitor distance what percentage? I have seen both 0% and 100% mentioned.
I noticed it got mentioned on the H1 topic that FOV doesn’t matter if I am matching the 360 distance. So I don’t understand why the sensitivity I have through matching the 360 distance in both games (on both the same resolutions) is significantly different than the matching of the viewspeeds. For example in CSGO for me to do a 360 degree turn on 1600x900 I would need a sensitivity of 2.647. On H1 for me to do a 360 degree turn (in 3rd person at 1600x900) I would need a sensitivity of 0.167000. When inputting these values into your calculator (converting from H1 to CSGO) I get a CSGO sensitivity for 360 degrees of 2.604 rather than the 2.647 I calculated myself. Even when I change the first calculator from sensitivity to distance and add in 17.5 inches (size of mousepad) I get an even lower value of 2.337.
I may need a ELI5 answer here. When converting from H1Z1 to CSGO I was using the viewspeed option. I noticed that it was alot faster in CSGO than it was in H1. I am using 0.07 @ 1600x900 in H1Z1 and 1024x768 in CSGO. The viewspeed option has been at ~1.4 in CSGO and it seems alot faster compared to the feel of H1Z1 and there is no way it can be correct. I understand going from 67 FOV in H1 to 90 FOV in CSGO can make a difference. I was then thinking to myself why couldn't I just match 360 degree rotations in each game at the same resolution? If I can do a 360 degree turn in both games with the same resolution wouldn't the viewspeed technically be the same?
Reading through I can't seem to find out how to convert from CSGO using 1024x768 Stretched to H1Z1 KOTK. There was a lot of back and forth on the topic but it just confused me. If I am using 1024x768 stretched in CSGO what do I put in the calculator? 1024x768? Or my native 1920x1024? Do I need to select hipfire advanced for CSGO and add in the m_yaw?
Thank you.