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  1. Thank you for the fast reply! this is exactly what I need. But many games does not have this information under the game info section. For example Rainbow Six Siege's MD irrc is 0% but it shows just a ☓: What does this means? This is the case for a lot of games I play, like battlebit, starcitizen etc. I also checked CS2 and it did not show 133% like in the screenshot. Did I set something wrongly?
  2. Is there an archive in this website that record all the supported games' default monitor distance? I'm too stupid to understand how to navigate in this forum
  3. Hi, the devs just released patch 3.23 with a bunch of FPS weapon improvements and bug fixes related to sensitivity settings. Could you please check it out and update the calculator if possible? Also should I ask in this topic for updates or go to new game request?
  4. Name: Star Citizen (Already supported but need an update) Website: robertsspaceindustries.com Status: alpha Release date: tbd Availability: purchase
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