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  1. Yes sure. My siege settings: Res: 1920x1080 Aspect Ratio: 4:3 FOV: 84 Horizontal & Vertical Sens: 12 ADS Sens: 1x 24 1.5x 40 2x 41 2.5x 42 3x 42 4x 42 5x 43 12x 65 DPI: 400 Laptop Screen: 15.6 inch
  2. Okay I will try this. And what should be the Scope conversion ??
  3. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=c8fbfa31bfd455c3c67cb14d1a6df81c Here is what I tried. But it is feeling too low. Actually I can't figure out all the settings on the website and don't know meaning of everything. It would be helpful if you can convert it for me.
  4. Hey, I am trying to convert my r6 siege 1x ads sens to valorant hipfire sens, but not getting the correct result. Can anyone help me ?? My siege settings: Res: 1920x1080 Aspect Ratio: 4:3 FOV: 84 Horizontal & Vertical Sens: 12 1x ADS Sens: 24 DPI: 400 Laptop Screen: 15.6 inch
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