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  1. When I’m saying 1:1 sensitivity I mean that there are no sensitivity multipliers when aiming down sights compared to hipfire.
  2. Are you recommending not using a 1:1 sensitivity (hipfire: ads) or are you recommending not using mdh with a 1:1 sensitivity.
  3. 1. So i’ve been using 1:1 (hipfire:ads) sensitivity for all of the games I play. I’m curious what would be the best method for converting my sensitivities across multiple games. I’m mainly aiming for consistency. 2. So i’ve moved from Modern warfare 2019 (120 fov) to Overwatch (103 fov) and I converted my sensitivity using monitor distance. Would of choosing 360 distance kept a more consistent feel to aiming? 3. I recently changed for 800 dpi to 1600 dpi and changed my sensitivity from 14 to 7 and it feels different . Did I do something wrong? Also does this change actually effect latency and is there pixel skipping with 800 dpi?
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