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    Not being bad (please)

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  1. FOV only affects Sensitivity slightly while ADSed, Hipfire is completely unaffected by FOV.
  2. Test server's up today if that helps at all
  3. The settings are, simply put, stupid.
  4. Apparently Vertical Hipfire has no (noticable) acceleration, just as ADS does, and I found ~1.50 to be around 1:1 (not smart enough to be sure or whether it's 360 "Distance" or Pixel Ratio) I've also previously heard the ADS value is usually a Default of 60% of 360 Distance, so 1.66/1.67 could also be the right value for my testing/conversion And on top of all this, FOV HEAVILY affects Sensitivity in general. Like an insane amount.
  5. "Offtopic" because it's not for Keyboard/Mouse, and the values are way too different/messed up to remotely correlate with KB/M settings.
  6. I have my ADS Multiplier at 3.00 and it's give or take the same speed, but the stupid ass acceleration during Hipfire makes everything feel awkward Does ANYONE have like a spreadsheet on the Controller Values and such? I genuinely am getting pissed off at how strange these controls are.
  7. Am I really that oblivious? Thanks for the clarification.
  8. Is it possible you can just recommend the default 80 FOV for FOV scale's Notes? I'm unsure if this would help or not but I think it may make calculating a possibility.
  9. Very off from my simple testing, in case this helps at all
  10. I find the FOV Scale Calculation is inaccurate, amplifying the FOV by way too much, and that affecting the Sensitivity to be way too low.
  11. Only shows errors for FOV, no calculations for sens when using boiii Launcher options In addition many of the options are unavailable for Conversion. Thanks in advance for any info/fix!
  12. Name: Call of Duty: Black Ops III - boiii Client Website: https://web.archive.org/web/20230629141934/https://reactiongaming.us/community/threads/how-to-play-black-ops-3-with-the-boiii-client-updated-june-24-2023.1971/ Status: "Closed" Release Date: "Shut down" Availablity: Free with BO3 on Steam
  13. Name: Deceit 2 Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2064870/Deceit_2/ Status: Beta Testing Release Date: 2023 Availability: Playtest Request via Steam Deceit 1's In-game Sens is completely different from Deceit 2's ingame. This uses an Integer setting, whereas Deceit 1 uses a 0-1 Decimal setting
  14. Another option is Monitor Distance Veritcal I'm unsure of what was "faster" of the two between 0% and 100% but you might like one of these two's result
  15. Try this; (ADS 360 1:1 + ADS Pixel 1:1) / 2 = ADS Sens So for 1x it's like; (50+58)/2 108/2 = 1x Sens: 54
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