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Everything posted by PRIMETIME87

  1. Thank you very much!
  2. If you only play cs and valorant it would probably benefit you to sticking to the same sensitivity (dont know if you base this on monitor distance or cm360 but anyways) I dont know your background but my opinion is that If you havent done the grease work over many many years then you will use a long time to adjust to a different sensitivity and that will get you in trouble in other games. Im assuming you wouldnt be playing only these two games for the rest of your life and csgo is all about low sensitivity so try jumping in quake champions with a cm360 of 60. I doubt you will have a good time. Using the same kind of sens is fine to start out with and it will give you a good baseline to build from but you'd really want to start training that muscle memory. Btw I played cs from the very first beta version came out in 1999. (yeez im old) I can adjust to almost any sens and i have to because of the games I play. my cm360 is anything from 35-56 depending on the game. But then again i have probably over 40.000 hours of FPS stretching back to 1997
  3. Dont know if this is the place to post, but they've added sensitivity support down to two decimals and starting at 0.01 whereas before it was 0.5
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