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defend's Achievements

  1. So is that screenshot i added the same sensitivity for desktop and CSGO? also i dont know what my FOV is on csgo or is it 90 by default, thanks
  2. So basically i got Viewspeed set up for H1Z1 and it works great, but with CSGO i dont know how to do it, i can calculate it perfect but it also says fov_cs_debug and i don't know if i have to input that to the console or not, if someone could help me that would be great thanks.
  3. Alright so basically i dont have a clue what to change on CSGO to make it the same sensitivity as my windows/h1z1, I configured H1Z1 and windows to the same sens but CSGO is a little harder to do, can anyone calculate the settings for me? I've bought the subscription also so im not trying to get a free calculation, I can send you all the settings you need. thanks.
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