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Everything posted by IsseyShiitake

  1. Thank you my good sir, problem seems to be resolved now, will test my "new" correct sens later this day! Appreciate the swift response.
  2. Thank you very much, seems to be working better indeed. Should I select "In-game"' for both Convert from and Convert to ? Also, should 360° distance be the same no matter the aspect ratio ? @DPI Wizard
  3. Hello all, I am currently having issued converting my sensitivity from Apex Legends to Hunt Showdown, when entering all the info, I get wrong results, or "calculated sensitivity too low" as you can see on the screenshot. After messing around with the ADS, hipfire, etc.. I finally got some decent results but they still felt off, so I tried to measure my 360 distance for both games, hipfire and ADS. For Apex (16:10) I got : - Hipfire : 35 centimeters - ADS : 44 centimeters For Hunt : Showdown (16:9), I got : - Hipfire : 39 centimeters - ADS : 80 centimeters Those numbers are approximate and can vary from a few centimeters, however the huge gap between Apex's ADS and Hunt : Showdown is just too big. Isn't the 360° distance supposed to be the same across all ratios ? I would really really appreciate some assistance, I have been playing with the same sens since about 5 years and really would like to keep on going,, am I doing something wrong? Thank you very much in advance ! @DPI Wizard
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