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Everything posted by TheNoobPolice

  1. 500hz is still the no hassle route across all gaming. I've yet to see any evidence to change my mind it's worth it to worry about going anything higher.
  2. Not true at all. It can help maintain your level of comfort and familiarity, but you should use sensitivity values that are correct for the game and it's movement requirements. If you were a cs beast who used a very low sensitivity because you had to pre-aim angles and control complex camera movement patterns on firing, do you think the best way to optimise your skill if you played Quake would be to use the same sensitivity? Where you have to rocket jump around and track at incredible high speed on and off screen? No, you'd probably want to double it at least.
  3. There's this idea that people need to use aspect ratio equivalent values for some reason. It really is totally irrelevant. There's nothing more "1:1" about 1.33 then there would be any other arbitrary value. It's just like a domain of a trigonometric function that can scale up or down the size of output value very, very granularly. In other words, it's just a fine-tune sens slider. You can only define "1:1" in two ways between two FOV values, but even then they would not "feel" the same. 1: Same degree per count (i.e 360 distance) 2: Same cursor velocity (i.e cursor / crosshair speed) Both of these satisfy the definition of "sensitivity" (i.e the ratio of output / input) depending on whether you consider the out/in values in 3D space or mapped back to 2D space respectively. These two things would never be the same resulting value for any transition so it's just a case of what is more intuitive for a given task. If you are wanting to match hipfire between two games even at different FOVs, it's unlikely that matching the cursor velocity will feel satisfactory. If you are matching a transition of a zoom / ADS animation, it's likely the opposite. All monitor distances / coefficients above 0 are just a hack to arrive at a compromise when either focal length or 360 distance is not satisfactory (for example, too "slow" relative to hipfire on high zoom sniper scopes when scaled by focal length). None of this is at all relevant to becoming better in aim trainers, which is only a result of combined practice, developing hand-eye coordination and motor skills resulting in better control of the camera with the mouse. Sensitivity is a comfort / familiarity thing, (and sometimes a mechanical necessity given the movements required in certain games), but it's not a barometer you need to tune to get good.
  4. Always be wary of people who tell you to do things, but then don't explain how it works on what it is doing, and / or why they have arrived at the conclusion they have. In pretty much every case someone doesn't do this, they are probably telling you bollocks. EDIT: I didn't watch more than few moments of it, but just one example - he explains USA 0% is focal length scaling (it is) but then changes the solder zoom multiplier to 1.68x, which is blanket linear multiplier to every soldier ADS function. If you take a sensitivity calculated by focal length and then multiply it by 1.68, it's not a focal length scaling anymore, which he would realise if he understood what focal length scaling was, or what the slider he was changing actually did. EDIT 2: I've just learned this guy recommends people mess with their windows OS to optimise for latency - I sincerely hopes he puts more effort into understanding the effects of those functions and fully explains the pros and cons of every change more than he does those sensitivity settings, for the sake of his viewers not having completely borked PC's
  5. Not at all, I use it too. But I don’t use the EPP curve as it’s not customisable and doesn’t work in raw input. I would suggest you run either Rawaccel or Custom Curve. You can then have full control of the sensitivity at every hand speed and it work across all games that even force rawinput. Rawaccel even has an option to directly the enter EPP values to get the exact same result if you want, but you’ll probably be better designing your own.
  6. Frostbite engine has definitely had some bugs occur with rawinput OFF in the past, so I generally avoid even testing it. is there a reason you want to use the Windows filters on your mouse input?
  7. "Feels much more consistent" really means nothing in mouse input. It's either turning a certain distance or it isn't. If you get up bright and early, have a ton of coffee and set your sens purely by preference, then a month later played another game with the exact same FOV and turning mechanics, but you had just worked all day and had two beers, purely of your own accord you would choose different values. If devs listened to "feels" for mouse input, then there would be a ton of people saying it is too slow, another ton of people saying it is too fast, and a load of people just saying it is "off". All of which would just be disregarded as junk data. That's why this site is so useful for gaming communities, because it creates a source of truth for what's going on without people have to use tape measures or rely on "feels".
  8. You mean like this kind setup, right? This would match the speed of the cursor on the desktop with the tracking speed in hipfire and all scopes?
  9. BF games have previously dropped occasional packets at 8khz and other polling rates above 1khz, if that's what people are saying is a bug with mouse input then that would be nothing new. Most games don't prioritise that. But then also, anyone using 8khz is pretty much just meme'ing themselves - "what can I do to give myself potentially massive headaches and uncertainty for no tangible benefit whatsoever"
  10. So the game has two functions which calculate ADS sensitivity transitions, which are completely separate objects. They are selected by Uniform Soldier Aiming ON / OFF, and with Zoom Transition Smoothing ON/OFF - which is the setting you see there. The USA feature is a procedural calculation and continually calculates the sensitivity each frame through the function. This means that if you graphed the transition between the start and ends values, you would have a curved transition. The option above would therefore have no effect (I don't believe it is even selectable) because the function itself smooths out the transition. when USA is OFF, the sens is pre-calculated and stored in a variable. In this mode you can select the zoom transition smoothing feature. With this off the sens immediately drops to the target value which has the "old school Battlefield" feel. WIth this on, it gradually scales the sensitivity transition over the selected scope ADS animation duration in a linear fashion. if you graphed the sensitivity transition here, you would have a straight line for the transition. As such as the difference between USA On and OFF with transition smoothing is simply a curved vs a linear transition between the start and end sensitivities, and that USA ON gives you a variable coefficient to modify the monitor distance directly. You could still achieve any monitor distance with USA off and a linear transition, you would just need to use the individual scope sliders a little bit.
  11. That’s all totally unnecessary and just placebo. Just so you know how mouse input works because it seems like you may not, but that’s fine. A mouse sends a packet of (x,y) data to the OS as defined by the DPI value and distance moved since the last poll timeframe (usually 1ms). The game then takes this data and converts it to angular rotation, using a fixed pitch/yaw value and a variable (usually linear) sensitivity multiplier. So if it was pitch/yaw of 0.022 degrees at sens 1 for a given game, and you moved (10,5) at sens 2 then you would turn 0.44 degrees horizontally and 0.22 degrees vertically in a single update. These updates are then continually grouped together by the game engine since last simulation loop and divided by a fixed time constant (to ensure frame rate doesn’t affect the calculated distance). When DPI wizard here analyses a game using scripts, he would send the exact same counts distance value at multiple speeds and cadences to detect what would happen if a mouse was moved slow or fast for the same distance, which would show if there was any baked-in acceleration, smoothing or packet loss(negative accel). Since the input now produces the same result every time, there is no issue. Mouse sensitivity isn’t a black art. It’s just an objectively measurable ratio between an input and an output distance and simple math - it either arrives at the correct position in the game world for the same counts distance input, or it doesn’t. I’m not really sure what you are trying to achieve with that video but it is not going to help either yourself or anyone else to be doing all that. Unless you are happy for people to waste their time trying to copy that just to get views then it’s probably best if you just deleted it
  12. You can scale it however you want, it's just preference. That's what the calculator gives you the tools to do. For example, using focal length scaling or a monitor distance
  13. No to both scenarios causing delay. The GUI will only add some CPU usage (which is why you are supposed to close it), but the math on the mouse input is handled in a separate thread at kernel level in the driver. Low-level code written in a language that is compiled to machine code (like C++) is super fast. The developer recently timed the full accel function (which would do more math than just the toggle) using the winapi function QueryPerformanceCounter() (i.e microseconds precision) and the code yielded a process time of <1us, in other words, a smaller amount of time that can be measured in 1 microsecond. Given that even the fastest polling 8khz mouse would have 125us to play with per poll there is no additional delay.
  14. Yes, that's the idea really. The GUI is written in Python, which has nice libraries for interfaces but it's an interpreted language, so isn't "fast" in computational terms. Using something like that to real-time draw the input speed of the mouse on a display will use about 5% CPU usage on a decent rig. The idea of the GUI is to configure settings and then close it. This is what persistent settings enables, It loads a super lightweight process called ccapplyc.exe which will use 0% CPU just to listen for when you trigger the toggle or changing profiles. If you untick persistent settings and close the GUI there is no process on your mouse input anymore so the toggle wont work anymore.
  15. No worries, it is an awesome software. It's well worth reading the help menu to learn how to use it, unfortunately there's no official guide of all the features. You can make profiles that contain all the settings that can be triggered by key commands as hold or "Go-to" also, so you could effectively make a sens toggle on a key command without having to use autohotkey or another scripting tool. You can also use it to set "any DPI value" to mitigate sensitivity discrepancy shown by the calculator here. So if for example, at 800 DPI in a particular game there was a 2.4% discrepancy to match another game, then that's 800 + 2.4% = required DPI of 819.2, So you can set the Y value sens in Custom Curve to 1.024 (819.2/800) instead of 1.0
  16. Yes, that is correct. When the app sees no variance whatsoever in the LUT that is created from the b-spline, the mouse input doesn't even go through the function. Since your start and end points are 1.0, it wouldn't even matter how many points you had stacked or what input speed (the graph x axis) values they were at. I just suggested to remove it to 2 for clarity so you didn't have to set 4 values to 1.0 instead of just 2. You also need "persistent settings" checked, and you would need to close the GUI after to remove any CPU usage.
  17. The toggle is in the menu bar, it's fairly straight forward to use, you have a horizontal and vertical multiplier to your sensitivity, and a button you select to trigger it. To disable all accel, delete all but two control points (right click in graph on a point, press delete) then set both of their Y values (sensitivity) to 1.0 and press apply. You will then have a static sensitivity same as without the program being active. You will still need to check "persistent settings" for your toggle to be active after you close the interface. There is also an option in the menu bar to start your settings with windows in the background - this needs the persistent settings check box to be ticked also.
  18. "my monitor distance coefficient been first on 1.33 and then on 1.78 and now I'm trying 0.0" A monitor distance coefficient is just a barometer for a granular sensitivity change upon an FOV transition. In this case, when you aim down sight. So In Warzone, when you increase the value of the slider, the sensitivity increases when you aim down sight. In saying that you tried a middle value, then a high value, then a low value, suggests you don't understand what it is doing and just picking values you have seen others use (not a good idea). It is just changing the sensitivity in a very fine, granular manner. As such, the only thing that is important is how it feels when you ADS. If it feels too slow, increase the value, if it feels too fast reduce it. There isn't a correct value, and any non-zero values of 1.33, 1.78 etc are just as completely arbitrary as 1.52, 0.728757389274, or any other random yardstick you could wave a finger in the air to arrive at.
  19. It’s a sensitivity toggle in the software. You can set it to “hold”, and set mouse 2 as the trigger. So if it was set to 0.5, and right mouse button, then when you pressed right mouse button your DPI would effectively cut in half, and then when you release the button it would go back to normal. isn’t that what you are asking?
  20. Custom Curve software has a feature explicitly for this using the interception driver. It's a one off 10 bucks and available from mouseacceleration.com. You don't have to use any accel features, just use the toggle. I also wrote a script myself using Autohotkey that leverages interception to do the same thing, the issue with that is AHK is an interpreted language (so "slow" in computational terms ) and would require a polling rate of no greater than 500hz to not cause timing bugs and would still require a few percent of CPU usage every time you hit the toggle.
  21. "who cares about 4ms delay?" Pretty much anyone interested in gaming with a mouse? Which is why smoothing is a hot topic in the hardware communities, and max IPS accel is barely ever mentioned. "I prefer people to think twice before replying" Shame you don't follow your own advice. "prob unnoticeable but I still prefer 450ips, just like people prefer a weight of 80g and lighter over 100g and heavier mouse" Do you understand what a false equivalence is? The first issue effectively does not exist and is undetectable, the second one would be detected by a 3 year old if asked "which one is heavier". Saying you prefer something that has no effect over something that obviously does, doesn't add any validity to your point - you are unironically saying that placebo is the most important factor for you. Also, you still haven't seemed to grasp the extraordinarily simple premise of online etiquette that you don't need to constantly quote and therefore notify people to talk in a thread when you are replying to the comment directly above the one you are making anyway. But whatever, I'm not interested in helping you out anymore, and I don't see many other's being interested. Time for a block.
  22. It actually adds 4ms of motion delay. If you would have bothered to read the link I sent as thoroughly as SteelSeries marketing posts, you would have seen that. If you take someone informing you of facts and giving sound advice as "attacking" you, or "acting like a brilliant person" as an affront to your character that is only your issue I'm afraid. Would you prefer people either don't reply to your topics at all or reply pretending they don't know too just so they do not offend your precious sensibilities? Also, suggesting the huge variance of physical stats of mice on the market is not important and can be dismissed as "I adapt" but max acceleration is somehow important information is frankly laughable. If I gave you two identical mice, one with 200 IPS max accel, and another with 450 IPS not only would you not humanly be able to tell the difference, but neither would a machine that would track all the movements you physically made while playing, so much for "actual performance". I'm well aware one can ask questions they are interested in, and that will be different for different folks, but you should also be aware when you ask questions that don't have any real-world relevance, that you should expect answers that point it out.
  23. You are getting completely lost in nonsense. Those are marketing blogs from SteelSeries. No mouse that costs more than 20 bucks from a known brand made in the last 5 years has a "fake CPI", sensor issues, Native DPI, or any issues with baked-in acceleration. Stating the max physical acceleration stat of any such mouse is total hand waving as far as it would have any effect on your actual usage of the mouse. Unless you are Clark Kent, you are not moving the mouse at 200 Inches per second while playing a game. FYI Steelseries' own TrueMove Pro sensor / firmware combo features smoothing at higher DPIs, which although not really a problem either a lot of people don't prefer, with both the Logitech Hero and Razer Focus+ and 5G Optical all having no smoothing at all CPI steps. https://www.techpowerup.com/review/steelseries-sensei-ten/5.html I notice they don't mention that in their blog. TL:DR focus less on meaningless mice stats, and focus more on getting a shape, weight, feet, feature set and click feel that you prefer. These will actually have an effect on your play, unlike the technical spec sheet.
  24. "I do use high dpi+ low in-game sens" Then you don't have pixel skipping because you use low in-game sens. The other words your wrote make no sense at all to be honest and are not at all relevant to the question.
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