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Everything posted by TheNoobPolice

  1. Would be interesting to see what people generally configure here. Probably on the 1 - 1.5 side due to 400 dpi being the most common choice due to the "my favourite pro gamer uses 400 dpi" effect. I imagine it is very rare that someone has a configuration that would result in a value of more than 2 at screen centre. Like a 400 dpi 25cm 360 or something. People who play on those sensitivities usually like a fast desktop cursor too so would use at least 800 dpi normally. Still it's an interesting and informative addition - thanks for adding it.
  2. USA is the BF name for the feature, in CoD it's called Relative Aiming. I can't tell you what will feel right for you, but.... if you play with USA ON in BF on default 133% Coefficient, you should try setting CoD to Relative ADS and Monitor Distance Coefficient to 1.33 and ADS sensitivity transition to Gradual. If you play BF with USA OFF and with Zoom Transition Smoothing On, set CoD to Relative and Monitor Distance Coefficient 1.00 and ADS sensitivity transition to Gradual. If you play BF with USA OFF and with Zoom Transition Smoothing OFF, set CoD to Relative, Monitor Distance Coefficient to 1.00, and ADS sensitivity transition to Instant. That would be my best guess.
  3. @e_yen98 Gradual in CoD is the true legacy method, and happens just naturally due to the way the sens multiplier is calculated i.e continually frame by frame from FOV state, rather than from a lookup table. Uniform Soldier Aiming does the same thing in BF; and when you turn on Zoom Transition Smoothing in BFV, you effectively just turn USA ON with a fixed 100% coefficient. Since USA ON == ZTS ON, there is your answer.
  4. I personally recommend you get used to a slower desktop speed that matches what you are used to in games at 0% That way, when you are moving your cursor around you are always practising your tracking. I use an effective 354 dpi desktop speed (6/11) at 1440p that matches at 0% to a 36cm 360 hipfire at my most commonly played FOV of 84 vertical. Of course , some people are too lazy to move their mouse much on the desktop, and this is all still debatable how useful it is, but having took this approach now for over a year I've seen small improvements over time beyond what I have otherwise predicted.
  5. ADS and hipfire scaling you have set to is 0% MDH, but Windows/2D is set to 100% MDH
  6. The best way to convert your BF3 setup to BF4 without using USA (if you don't want to use IRNV scope and stick with Kobra/red dot, and you don't like the USA procedural aim transition) is to work with the same monitor distance you have been effectively using in BF3. Since BF3 uses a fixed 0.5x multiplier for the Kobra sight, and a fixed vFOV value of 40 degrees, this monitor distance is dependant on your hipfire FOV, and you can use the calculator to figure this out.... example, if you were using 90 Hdeg 4:3 FOV hipfire in BF3, you were effectively using a vertical monitor distance of 47.12% (as this results in a matching sensitivity value) You would then need to set the monitor distance in BF4 to 47.12% to give the most similar feel at the slightly less zoomed in Kobra in that game. Example, using the above sens and FOV.
  7. Only other way to do this without changing hipfire FOV is to use the IRNV scope in BF4, since it shares the same FOV as the BF3 Kobra.
  8. 7400 at 2/11 is 460 at 6/11 You can use the calculator to do this by the way, but for reference these are the actual speed multipliers. You can set inbetween values in the registry, as per the instructions post on this site. 1/20 (1/11) 0.03125 2/20 (2/11) 0.0625 3/20 0.125 4/20 (3/11) 0.25 5/20 0.375 6/20 (4/11) 0.5 7/20 0.625 8/20 (5/11) 0.75 9/20 0.875 10/20 (6/11) 1.0 11/20 1.25 12/20 (7/11) 1.5 13/20 1.75 14/20 (8/11) 2.0 15/20 2.25 16/20 (9/11) 2.5 17/20 2.75 18/20 (10/11) 3.0 19/20 3.25 20/20 (11/11) 3.5
  9. The biggest difference is higher dpi's have a floaty, lighter feel, since it's smoother at very, very ,very slow speeds. Some players like this, other's don't. None is "better" objectively, although it is not recommended to go lower than 400 or above 6400. It's also only really noticeable on high refresh monitors and high frame rates. On older sensors high dpi's didn't always track as well, but that is really a thing of the past now. Anything like a 3360 variant, hero sensor or 3310 will track perfectly at, say 3200 dpi. The only other situation where dpi is important is if using a custom mouse accel curve, with higher dpi's being objectively preferable. A lot of the reason people still use a low dpi is because the way the windows OS handles dpi; i.e it is coupled with cursor speed. So in some games or programs, it's not possible to set the mouse sens low enough if you use higher dpi's.
  10. You just set the FOV to be the same in both, and then enter the value the calculator tells you. Example: if I want my FOV to be 90 Vertical degrees in both games, I'd enter 1.518003 for the "FOV multiplier" in Apex, and 106.26 for Kovaak's default setting (Horizontal 4:3 - although you can set Kovaak's to calculate using vertical FOV. EDIT: the above still stands as the best way to configure FOVs, but I do see what you mean now. It's actually Apex that is "wrong" because the Apex FOV value in the option menu is not correct. You should use the config file to set the FOV. In game, it's close to Horizontal 4:3 but not quite right. Example: if you wanted 100 degrees Horizontal 4:3, you'd have to set 101.168831 in the Apex menu.
  11. There's no pain at all for conversions, you simple just convert using your max effective dpi and then everything scales down from there.
  12. If the above is true, I have no idea why someone would design a game so badly.
  13. You should use vertical 0% if you play games with different aspect ratios The vertical aspect stays the same, so therefore the tracking speed at the centre when calculating by mdv 0% stays the same, since the whole point of 0% in the first place is for consistent tracking at screen centre, then you should match that for consistency IMO. Still, it's just preference at the end of the day.
  14. It's only faceit that blocks the Interception driver. They don't ban for it. The reason they block it has nothing to do with mouse accel, the interception driver has many different dependencies in many different use cases, and is just a lazy approach since in theory there could be some cheats that make use of it, so they thought, what the hell, lets just block it. Of course, the correct approach is to actually ban the cheats, not to blanket block a legitimate driver.
  15. It's probably just because they are different games. Every game has a slightly different setup as far as input / processing delay, strafe speed and acceleration plays a huge part, because people very rarely stand exactly still when aiming, the amount of sway or headbob, some use a fixed camera position directly on the pivot point that your character "floats" around, and others mount a camera physically into the character model which affects the pivot point and aiming feel slightly. Don't get too hung up on trying to get it to feel like EXACTLY like another game, the point is getting it to feel close enough to what you are the most comfortable with, and finding what approach to take for different FOV conversion methods works best for you.
  16. Arm for large movements, wrist for fine horizontal control, fingers for fine vertical control
  17. Sorry , yes that is a bit confusing. Basically, for scopes that actually zoom the game world as you ADS, ( i.e most of them) then the franchise always used a gradual system. That means that as the game world is zooming in, the game continually slows the turn-rate by the same amount as the FOV is reducing. However, if you remember games like MW2 - then when you used the sniper rifle scopes, there was no zoom transition while the scope came up. Basically the FOV stayed as hipfire and you normally turned to target as the scope came up (quick scope style) and the sensitivity wouldn't change at all until you were suddenly popped into that black-bordered "periscope view" and the turn-rate was suddenly reduced. So if you did a lot of quick scope sniping in older games, gradual might feel more unusual to you.
  18. Honestly depends on the game type also, and the kind of aiming needed. Like for example, if I play Hitman, I just match my 360 distance to my FPS sens, even though I cant match the FOV anywhere near. Having the same turn-rate in that game just feels more comfortable than any other conversion. If you are transferring to a more aim critical game then one thing that is paramount is getting the FOV's as close as what the game allows. Of course, if the FOV is exactly the same it doesn't matter what method you use to convert as they will all result in the same value.
  19. Changing FOV always changes perceived sensitivity in one way or another. No way around it. You can choose, by preference, a method to match an FOV to another in one way only, but it is still only "preference". Most people choose 0% (vertical or horizontal - doesn't matter) if you want a consistent sensation for tracking and recoil control. Especially important in games with slow TTK. Others usually choose anywhere from 89-178% vertical monitor distance (normally 50-100% horizontal at 16:9) in order to make the overall perceived turn-speed across the screen feel about the same as THEY PERCEIVE IT - it is not an objective thing. The more an FOV change there is, the more this tends to become necessary. In other words, 0% feels extremely slow on very high zoom sniper scopes, but is usually fine on low zoom iron sights. A lot of this depends on the game too of course. I still don't recommend anything other than 360 distance between games for base "hipfire" or whatever the normal FOV state is for said game when it is not possible to accurately match an FOV. Having more consistent spatial sensitivity tends to work better for that purpose.
  20. Yeah, there's actually a lot more sight FOV's than I first anticipated, on different pistols, scopes, irons etc.
  21. The important point is that match the FOV type in the calculator also. Unless it was fixed in a recent patch, the in-game FOV slider for Apex wasn't accurate and you should be using the config file. You don't really need to use the config file for CoD to be honest, it offers sufficient granularity in the menu.
  22. You'd need to enter the FOV and FOV type you want to use in Apex and in CoD as the hipfire basis that all the ADS scaling is done from. You want the same hipfire FOV basically, otherwise it will feel different. Example for me I have this below: and it feels the same. All ADS synced up by 0% monitor distance, hipfire 360 and FOV matched (So for Apex I enter 1.434488, and CoD I enter 116.01) to have the same hipfire FOV. You see all the scope multipliers are at 1.0 because Apex uses 0% scaling and I have set the coefficient in CoD to be 0% also.
  23. Very rarely are ADS FOV's ever the same between ANY games, even when you match hipfire FOV. That's the whole point of choosing an FOV conversion method that you get used to So for example, if I choose 0%, then I know that all my tracking speed at the centre pixel will feel the same no matter the aimed FOV between games, at the expense of higher zooms scopes starting to feel slower across the whole screen. If I choose something like 100%-133% (vertical), then the perceived average speed of the whole screen will feel about the same as I turn, at the expense of accuracy at the crosshair.
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