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Everything posted by TheNoobPolice

  1. Are you sure this has not been changed in a patch? The x and y seems to be the same for hipfire now too. Admittedly hard to tell when in this particular third person game, because the camera position changes massively and I haven't bothered trying to check with any scripts, but setting y higher as per the calculator seems to massively increase the vertical sens now, at least in the DX12 mode
  2. In addition to the above, the angles aren't distributed evenly across the screen due to the FOV being stretched anyway, so at screen centre for example it'd be lower than 0.665, and at the edge of the screen it would be higher. You'd have to do some trig to figure it out at each point on the screen what the ratio is though.
  3. All scopes will then match the speed of the crosshair to hipfire. Like this:
  4. It's not supposed to be 1.33, it's just the default value. The slider exists for you to change it if you wish. The default value is there because it was designed for BF4 where you have massively high zoom sniper scopes and very low zoom red dots, and the idea was one approach that was computationally simple to give a feeling of uniformity across all zooms without the player having to use multiple sliders or complex configurations. Focal length or 0% is the only "mathematically correct" way to scale zoom and sensitivity, but only if we pretend the game world isn't projected onto a 2d screen. Given that it is, high zoom scopes in BF4 felt much too slow at 0% and it clearly wasn't a good choice for a default value for the intended application of the USA feature from an end-user perspective.
  5. Mouse sens isn't a mystery or a black art. It's either the correct amount of yaw/pitch per x number of counts sent from a mouse, as per the method you are choosing to match, or it isn't. "Feel" is irrelevant to that process. This just sounds like you haven't yet decided what the best way for you to match ADS is for your own preference, but you should also check that your mouse software doesn't have an automatic profile for a game that has a different dpi set. You should also note that different games have other mechanics that can make aim feel different, such as the camera viewport position in both z axis and y axis vs it's pivot point (some games tie the camera physically to a character models head which then moves as per the character animations, which usually sets the camera slightly forward of its pivot point, others position the camera and pivot directly within the character's centre mass vertically and the character model just bobs around it), and also strafe movement speed can play a huge part because people rarely aim when completely stood still. Some games also scale during ADS transitions differently, and since you don't usually aim then turn, but rather aim *and* turn simultaneously, this can also massively change how aiming feels even at exactly the same sensitivity. The calculator can match the mouse sensitivity, FOV and resolutions in a multitude of fashions you can select, but not all the other facets of the game - you still need to learn / adapt to play the "new game" somewhat.
  6. I actually prefer a pixel ratio of 1.0, since when you move very slowly when you have the in-game sens too low you get a "shimmery" effect on the textures, which doesn't happen when one count from the mouse turns equivalent of one pixel distance at screen centre. you're never going to lose a frag cause you're couldn't sub-pixel aim, so you should choose the value that simply looks / feels the best to you.
  7. I use the sensitivity (or in my case, the best curve of sensitivities) that best applies to the mechanical inputs required of the game. Different games require different sensitivities. There is no perfect sensitivity. You're not going to get the same hand movements playing Counter Strike as playing Diabotical. One requires extremely accurate acquisition and instant reactivity to very small hitboxes, the other has much more verticality, is much more movement based, with much more forgiving hitboxes etc. Sticking to exactly one sensitivity religiously is not going to ensure you play at your optimum level, but you still need to be able to understand what sens you are using and match certain things when you have a specific purpose to. It is still very useful (imo essential) to match sensitivities accurately in different situations, you may have an approach to synchronising sens across FOV which you take for a specific purpose e.g "I am going to match velocity at centre pixel in this game because it requires a lot of recoil control and I have worked on that a lot in this other game", or "I am going to match 360 distance, because this game requires a lot of fast turning and I happen to know that I like this particular feel of orientating myself in the game world" People who think you need to stick to one sensitivity always for every situation without any consideration are still taking advice first penned in the 90's before the more recent research into human motor control, hand-eye-coordination and mechanical aiming in general had been done which disproves those theories rather convincingly.
  8. I was just about to report an issue with the scaling when not using WPS 6/11 (I use 2/11), but Bernd beat me to it....Good to know this will be sorted in February! This is a really cool integration - an idea I hadn't ever considered that will let me experiment with sensitivities instantly.
  9. Indeed. It was fairly obvious none of the other commenters had actually bothered to read your question, so thought I'd answer it. The different conversion methods are for converting between different FOV's. If the FOV is the same, then they will always just produce the same result as 360 distance. If you've matched the target FOV to the source FOV already, you could use 0%, 75%, 360 distance, viewspeed or whatever - they all will produce the exact same sensitivity.
  10. If you have matched the FOV it doesn't matter, there's nothing to convert, they all will produce the same result.
  11. Bit of a loaded question.... Between FPS games hipfire / look? 360 distance Between zoom levels of same game? focal length scaling For very large scope FOV transitions? Some arbitrary monitor distance between 100%-150% vFOV that feels the best to me for the particular game For 3rd person games? I don't match to any one specific method
  12. This is exactly why I use a custom accel curve. 80cm at the bottom, 32cm capped at the top. No more compromises.
  13. No it doesn't, unless you think he can sit there doing scripted 360's while being chopper gunner'd and quick scoped from across the map?
  14. It's 100% placebo, the coefficient is just a multiplier to the sensitivity, just using trig instead of straight multiplicative values. It's designed to help people find an overall estimate of turn speed they like the feel of over different FOVS / scopes, which can then be used as barometer for other games relative to hipfire. It is not supposed to be a "golden place on the screen that is matched" as some people have misunderstood it. This is because if you use the straightforward focal length scaling which is "mathematically correct", then very high zoom scopes start to feel very slow relative to hipfire, and a higher monitor distance can be a better compromise for overall feel without having to set sensitivity multipliers for every zoom level, which most gamers don't want to do. In fact, the majority of players never even touch these options when included in game's advanced menus or config files. if you set a low sensitivity value with a higher coefficient vs a higher sens value with a lower coefficient -provide they were the exact same degrees per mickey (i.e 360 distance) at the exact same FOV there is no difference whatsoever.
  15. You can make any curve in Custom Curve. You are best off experimenting as you will find something better most likely. In case you want to factually recreate your old synapse accel curve, only option is to do some reverse engineering. Just install the old driver / mouse you are used to at the same time as Custom Curve, and then use an Autohotkey script whilst toggling between the two, measuring the resulting sensitivity using a precise amount of counts from the script, and adjusting the value in Custom Curve until you have the same length of line. You'd need to use the AutoHotInterception Library to send it through the driver, and then just match up the razer sensitivity at each count per update with a resulting sensitivity value in Custom Curve. You could do this using just drawing simple lines in paint until they match to the pixel. It would take a few hours of your time but is straight forward enough to do. Once you have mapped the curve, then just save it for future use on your new mouse / driver. Here's some simple code I just wrote that would do the task for you in AHK with the AHI library, just read through the dox on the github page to get setup. #SingleInstance force #Persistent #include <AutoHotInterception> #NoEnv SetBatchLines -1 AHI := new AutoHotInterception() ; scrolllock to enable ; Left click to start loop ; right click to stop loop ; ctrl-s to save edits in notepad and reload script ; ctrl-esc to close script ; ------------------------------------- Set Mouse ID Here ---------------------------------------------------- mouseid := AHI.GetMouseId(0x046D, 0xC53F) ; This is an example - set YOUR mouse VID/PID numbers here! ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return #if GetKeyState("Scrolllock", "T") LButton:: a := 500 ; Parameter 1 (total number of packets looped - use this to form a length of line to compare between Razer & Custom Curve value) loop %a% { b := 1 ; Parameter 2 (counts sent per packet - start at 1 and increase until you have covered all your hand speed values in Custom Curve) AHI.Instance.SendMouseMoveRelative(mouseid, b, 0) DllCall("Sleep", "UInt", 10) } Until GetKeyState("RButton", "P") Return #if ~^s:: Sleep 100 Reload ^Esc:: ExitApp
  16. Indeed, very rarely do game developers use the "zoom amount" values for a scope that correspond to a particular change in FOV, since this is different depending on how you measure the FOV anyway.
  17. Most 3rd person games also use a dynamic camera position depending on where you character moves around the terrain of the map, e.g open area, camera moves back and broadens FOV, narrow area or indoors, camera moves in close to character etc. Because of this, the only thing that makes sens really is to match either 360 distance just so your 180s are familiar, or focal length so your tracking is familiar. Anything else feels totally different anyway and becomes completely arbitrary
  18. Well, since he is special he can just setup a special dpi toggle somehow so he "can hit the coolest muscle memory flicks 180" I hear that's what all the pro Valorant players do....constantly flick 180 at every scope FOV without even looking where they are aiming. I guess we're just not pro enough to comprehend this.
  19. and yet still, there's no one else providing a solution to your issue as I have, as ill-advised as it may be.
  20. Well, that sucks for you then - because you now have a setup that is pretty much exclusive to R6S! Literally any forum post or advice video was saying to use the xfactor aiming thing to do that. The only time I have seen anyone else recommend 360 distance for scoped sensitivity with any influence is the not-so bright "rivalXfactor" dude in the Battlefield community years ago, which is hilarious since he was the one who pushed to add "xfactor" aiming into Seige since before it was released, which is why they have now release an implementation of sensitivity scaling that actually makes sense. It was like, "oh, we listened to this dumb dude and even named it after him, maybe we should fix that?!" I realise anyone could play better with whatever they feel comfortable with, which is why I made the very clear distinction in my comment that it is flawed in the objective way that you can only use it for one game, since it's rare any other developer is going to be stupid enough to allow it as an option. The first rule of good UX design is you don't provide options for ill-informed users to have a bad experience in the name of "customisation", and this would fall heavily into that category. No one can help you more than already stated, which is why the advice is to adapt to a different method, since this method will not be supported in the vast majority of any other titles. Alternatively, as said previously, you can use a third party program like Custom Curve that allows you to scale DPI on a toggle or hold mouse button, such as right click, which will then enable you to do this for all games, provided you don't mind instant sensitivity scaling rather than the procedural method that games usually use, but since you are already use a method that makes no logical sense you would probably not care about this as long as your 360 was the same when you were zoomed in. You can also do this with Logitech software and with a bit of scripting know-how, if you have a Logitech mouse of course. There is probably other mouse driver software for other brands that do this also that I am unaware of. Good luck.
  21. All that's happening there is you have got used to a pretty flawed method and developed your familiarity to that, probably because you took some bad advice in the first place about matching sensitivity to degrees/count while scoped, that unfortunately, the R6S community seemed to trumpet rather loudly. I say flawed in an objective way, because it's learning a system that is so non-intuitive that it is physically impossible to replicate in 99% of game's scoped sens slider ranges without dynamically modifying dpi with external software or drivers.
  22. 0% aka "focal length" aka "zoom ratio" aka "visuomotor scaling" matches the sensitivity mathematically. 360 distance simply matches the turn-rate (degrees/count). Monitor distance is an arbitrary measurement of screen space used as a barometer for sensitivity that can create a more consistent sensation of sensitivity than focal length scaling when the differences in FOV are very large.
  23. Ignore me, I'm being beyond dumb. I was thinking the fact games use a different yaw scaler would affect this, but it wouldn't at all. I could always just do e.g 36/40 = 0.9x to arrive at the effective dpi I need when moving from one 360 distance to another Sorry! XD
  24. Not as such I don't think..... Let's say I start with matching my cursor speed to a game like here: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=16c6063fc5af8c4e1d8dd1d552048e89 At the FOV I prefer of 84 vFOV, windows desktop matches 0% mdv at 6/11 & 1440p at a game sens value of 0.26264. To create 360 distance I want of 36cm, I need to use dpi 354.492 (so I set my mouse dpi to 400 and set my Custom Curve scaler to 0.88623 to arrive at dpi of 354.492, for example) If I wanted to try 40cm 360 in game but maintain the match across the board in desktop and also any other game which is already matched to desktop cursor, I need to change the DPI scale. If I changed game sens the sync with desktop cursor or any other game is out, and I'd probably need to do a bunch of calculations to scale it to a different WPS value etc So..... I am suggesting an option to enter a desired 360 distance, with a sens value also already input, that outputs the dpi required. The closet I can come without loads of trial and error, is to do this: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=c56ad2f325d598a59f53c09c429dc72b but it only works in a game like BF1 because of the fact I can select an ADS option which doesn't zoom at all, and I can still overwrite the base sens value, which then gives me an output for the 1.00x zoom of 0.900013. If I multiply my previous dpi of 354.492 by this number 0.900013 I get my new required dpi of 319.046 Hey presto: 40cm 360, still synced with desktop cursor (and because I changed effective dpi, it's the same across every other game I have sync'd also): https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=f79e3c19dc8d15e7f6a6978ba755a315 But this is not usually possible because most game entries don't have these options.
  25. Could it be possible to convert to a DPI as an "aim" when you know a game's sens value and 360 distance (and/or FOV in the case of FOV affected games)? At the moment, you can continue to adjust DPI by trial and error to land on 360 distance or a sens value as the case may be, but if you have a sens value for a game that is syncronised with your desktop cursor speed in a way you like the feel of, and want to use a new 360 distance that also keeps mouse cursor matched with the game sens, then you would need to do this with dpi scaling instead of changing the game sens (because the latter wouldn't keep my desktop cursor speed exactly sync'd by 0% mdv) I use Custom Curve which enables me to scale my dpi to any value so I'm not limited by actual mouse dpi parameters
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