There is confusion about MDV and MDH:
During my search, I noticed that MDV133% and MDH75% were almost equal. (Only a little bias shows in this calculator)
But as I know (maybe it's wrong), MDH100% means the same movement of the mouse you need to move the crosshair to the side of the monitor under different FOV, and when I test this under MDV133% games (like CS: GO and COD: MW), I found the actual situation to be fully consistent with MDH100%, instead of MDH75%. (By the way, CS: GO strictly follows the MDH75% (under 16: 9, means MDH100% under 4: 3), and COD: MW strictly follows the MDV133%, If MDH and MDV are swapped, the ADS sensitivity ratio will be inaccurate)
I don't know which step is the problem, maybe my test way is wrong, or my understanding of MDH100% is wrong.
And I want to know if there are any better ways to translate sensitivities between these games which have different methods.