I have read this too, it uses CPI/DPI measure, but with sensitivities on different OS and unadjustable DPI levels of mouse it has to be measured differently.
If the 2d desktop sensitivity is the distance that cursor moves on monitor when moving a mouse for certain distance, it means that it can be converted somehow differently. The mouse feel I want to copy is 53cm of display passed with exactly 2.4cm of mouse movement edge to edge almost perfect straight horizontal line. 53cm is the width of entire desktop with pixels that was measured to take 2.4cm of mouse movement.
On 13.3 inch different resolution display cursor has to travel same physical distance on the screen for the same amount physical travel of mouse. This 13.3 inch display has width of 29cm. This physical distance in real life has to be beaten by lesser mouse movement. So the difference of PPI are accounted for using physical distance of cursor on the screen.
The ratio I'm trying to get is:
cursor travel distance in physical world in cm / mouse movement distance in physical world
having this ratio for monitor 53 / 2.4 it can be translated to smaller display.
It results in equation:
53 / 2.4 = 29 / x
x is the physical distance mouse will travel in cm with the same PERCEIVED PHYSICAL SPEED as it travels 2.4cm across 53cm width screen. So the speed of mouse has to be measured physically because of pixels, since 2d screens use sensitivity by pixels and not cm per degree like 3d games. I can be wrong here, since I don't have a full picture of every single factor involved.
All acceleration must be disabled for this to work. The limitation of this method is that centimeters values on ruler are bigger than pixels, so there are slight inaccuracies. Another inaccuracy is caused by mouse poll rate of M720 Triathlon and probably Bluetooth connection. Those inaccuracies won't matter that much as UI elements are big enough on the screen that we should hit them consistently.
Please tell me if I'm right or wrong!