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Everything posted by Scca

  1. Hellow :3 I am playing Valorant with a scope sens of 0.9 and I feel very comfortable with, so I am curoious if that can be converted to a specific MDH or MDV value or if it doesn't really follow such consistant method and would be differnet for each scope. Hope everyone'S having a good day
  2. What would be the preferred calculation method in that case? Still use your preferred game as a "host game" (in my case always Apex Legends) and convert it to whatever game has a locked FOV, or just put whatever that game might be right in the "convert from" section and use the results made with the calculations from the calculator settings? Or just unmatching FOV in general. Sometimes you may not want to match the FOV's of two games because of preference even when it is advised to match them.
  3. Well yeah, it was a poor choice of words for me to say that "no conversion" should be needed. It's obviosly still one even if you don't convert from a game to another. But what I mean is that you don't need to input 2 games in the calculations, but only the game you want to convert to if the cm/inch for a 360° rotaion is known and auto-FOV on. So the two ways of calculating my sensitivity for Battlefield 4 that are shown in the attached picture should get the same results no matter what game is used in place of BF 4.
  4. Hellow :3 Since I was about to make a topic about FOV I wanted to ask how necessary actually conversions from a game to another actually is if the target FOV is the same. Set auto-FOV to a desired number and know the cm/inch for a 360° from the game that you want to convert from, an actual conversion shouldn't be needed if I am correct. Simply put the desired numbers in the Calculator Settings like usual, and then put the game you want to convert to in the "convert from" section with the "Convert from Sensitivity" option in the calculator settings. That way you could skip the "Convert to" section and just leave it empty because the results would be the same either way, just less effort, unless I am overseeing something.
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