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  1. Thanks alot for the clarification bro! So I should "always" convert using the "Affected by: FOV" information? Like for Super People it is MDH 100% and CS it is MDV 133.3333% "It means that this is how the game scales the sensitivity" What does this mean exactly when converting?
  2. Why 75% MDH or MDV 133.3333% exactly? Is it specifically because of CS:GO? Because I've spent time reading on the forum and the general consensus is that 0% method works "better" for most cases. What does "Affected by: FOV: (Monitor Distance Vertical X%)" or "Affected by: FOV: (Monitor Distance Horizontal X%)" mean exactly for a specific game when converting TO that game?
  3. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=5b54e4e7e0dc516c504d129713174030 Last question for me here (idk if it's the right place), this is my final conversion. Do you know why I get 0.81 zoom sens when everything is set to 100% in scaling? Why isnt my zoom sens 1 ?
  4. So even if my actual res ingame (with a 1920x1080 monitor) will be 1440x1080, I still keep 1920x1080 in converter but with 4:3 stretched selected right?
  5. Thanks for the info dude! Just another little question: when converting to a stretched 4:3 res (like 1440x1080), do I keep the res 1920x1080 and select 4:3 stretched next to it, or do I manually put 1440x1080 + the stretched 4:3 res in the converter? Thanks
  6. Hello! I know there isn't a "best" conversion method per say, and it is always preferable to keep the same FOV on all the games you play, but I usually play at 110 FOV, and when switching to CS, Valorant, or even Destiny 2, I can't go that high. What is the conversion method I should use when there is not the same FOV on another game? MDH or MDV and at which percentage? I know 360°/Distance is useful only when keeping same FOV. I am kinda lost on what to use generally, and especially when the FOV varies. Thank you in advance
  7. This is interesting: I've seen on the internet that switching between aspect ratios doesn't change a single thing even if the perceived sensitivity is different. Is it the same mechanic whereas the horizontal monitor distance will change when you switch from 16:9 to stretched 4:3? And how does it change? Like why when I use 0% MDV, it says this: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=99d56f8993276229db8be07d0f2f71f2 But when using 0% MDH it says this: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=c1c5b1f16df14b33d260b3a6112106cf And if I keep 1920x1080 res when converting, both MDV and MDH (0%) give the same values. Which one to use if I'm playing 4:3 (1440x1080) stretched in CS but the sens is imported from a 16:9 native game? And which one do I use if I keep 16:9 native in CS? Thank you very much
  8. So I should do all my conversions with MDV 133%?
  9. Well with the 360° distance for hipfire it's 1.47, with 0% MDH its 1.37, so there is a difference no?
  10. Okay, and why should I use 75% MDH for hipfire instead of 100%, 50% or 25% or 0%? (since it gives different values) Should I use instead 360° distance for hipfire maybe? Thanks
  11. This is my calculation, but I'm not sure it's good since the ADS isn't 0.99 from x2 zoom to high zoom (I got 0.99 ADS everywhere in Warzone). Which method should I use? Even for hipfire. Thanks. (4.9 hipfire, 0.99 ads, 1.33 monitor coeff distance and 800 DPI) https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=e4ad76fceff1afa4078e3ed1a97c4130
  12. Hello, I've been looking to switch my sensitivity from Warzone (4.9 hipfire, 0.99 ads, 1.33 monitor coeff and 800 DPI) to Cs:go and I'm not sure I got the right calculations. Any help?
  13. So basically I keep 133% in the distance thingy and 1.33 in sens 2?
  14. Thanks for all the info dude. I'm still tryna learn the website, but for now it's great! Wanted to ask, what's the difference between Monitor Distance Percentage (putting it to 133% for example) and the sensitivity 2 monitor coefficient? Like on the screenshot. I have a 16:9 1920x1080 monitor, which has 1.78 coefficient, but I play with a 1.33 coefficient on Warzone. But since Super People doesn't have any option to change that, I suppose my coefficient must be 1.78 on Super People. To do the conversion perfectly, should I put 1.78 in sensitivity 2 or 178% in Monitor Distance? 'Cause like I said on Warzone I forced the 1.33 coefficient on my 16:9 monitor, and on Super People it's 1.78 by default I guess. Any help?
  15. Is it normal that sensitivities on this game feel so slow? is it because of "independent" FOV when zooming? I feel like my x15 is SO SLOW I can't hit a shot. But I'm sure I converted my sens the right way, 'cause ADS x1 and x2 feel better. I'm just scared of sniping now lol, because it feels SO slow. Also because of FOV I can't do same distance with my mouse when ADSing, its way less distance than on Warzone, how can you be sure that I have the right sens if ingame you can't do the same distance on mousepad? Is it bad to have 2.3 margin of error (13 centimeters)? The x15 scopes represents nearly 100% of that margin of error, so the sens must be kinda off Thanks dude, sorry for all the questions.
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