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Everything posted by Striker

  1. Can you do Line of Sight? I hope its not as fucked up with mouse accel like Combat Arms.
  2. By the way, Crossfire is not a supported game for some reason. It's a really popular free FPS, it would be a great addition to the calculator. http://crossfire.z8games.com/ http://crossfire.gamerage.com/ - eu version
  3. Would be cool if you could do Lovely Planet, it's a small 30mb game. This website is amazing btw http://store.steampowered.com/app/298600/
  4. Warhammer 40k Space Marine!
  5. Thank you my friend!
  6. Bump You can download the game via unreal engine launcher. Here is a link with the launcher download: https://forums.unrealtournament.com/showthread.php?12011-Unreal-Tournament-Pre-Alpha-Playable-Build
  7. Hey man, First of all, thank you for this amazing site, you truly are the DPI Wizard! I suggest the FPS game called Wolf Team to be added to the supported games list. Cheers
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