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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/10/2024 in all areas

  1. Ok, I will try to ping the devs!
    1 point
  2. The sensitivity in this game is so random you might as well stub your toe on a table and set the sensitivity to the pain rate. Games that have a somewhat predictable range within the smoothing and where the base sensitivity can be reverse-engineered are usually added, but that is not possible for this game. Calculations will have no accuracy, so there's no point in adding them. Ping the devs, it's amazing that they haven't fixed this one line of code yet. There is zero reason to have this smoothing enabled.
    1 point
  3. just use what feels same for you or try to use sensitivity matcher
    1 point
  4. Agree. I'll save Wizard the time and just say that it's unreasonable to request Wizard to do the work required to accurately calculate this game's mouse sensitivity input when you already know that the resulting calculation could never be accurate no matter what.
    0 points
  5. Still the same awful smoothing I'm afraid.
    0 points
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