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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/2023 in all areas

  1. GretelMKL2

    Game request archive

    Name: Witchfire Website: https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/witchfire-db273e Status: early access Release date: Not confirmed Availability: (Free)
    3 points
  2. fortunate reee

    PAYDAY 3

    for classes equip the first tier of as many as you can equip then go for the public "road rage" heist on hard (2nd difficulty) its a safe bet to get decent exp and solid money for leveling and buying things if you want to solo do dirty ice on normal and jsut run in either stealth it partially or jsut go loud instant grab all the front showroom diamonds and do a loud exit
    1 point
  3. DPI Wizard

    PAYDAY 3

    Yes, need to play some to unlock stuff first
    1 point
  4. DPI Wizard


    Some games cost close to $100 and requires days of work to analyze. There's over 1200 free games here, and still people using the site for free have the audacity to complain about ONE new game that currently is not free. If you don't like it GTFO.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
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