Different X'Y will cause the sensor to rotate in relation to the grip. The mouse forms the grip, if you change the sensor rotation through the software, the grip can also change, my fourth finger has taken a position further from the sensor, before it tried to grip so that in osu there was at least some acceptable horizon.
I came to the rotate because I was testing different X'Y, in which some phenomena became immediately noticeable.
I started the movements from the center to the left.
All movements were done with eyes closed. The movements should be similar to Jump's, but with stops at the edges. Muscles should tense at the beginning and relax at the end, i.e. you could say "flick with LMB holding" repeat the motion cycle from side to side about 8-12 lines.
When I go into the game, I put Y and the movement on the horizon is now less like a sine wave.