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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2022 in all areas

  1. Because it results in a sensitivity with less discrepancy than using 1. 0.1 will in this case be out of range.
    1 point
  2. The coefficient is already a multiplier. if you set scaling to 0% in an options menu, and then scale up the global ADS sens by a fixed linear percentage, it is no longer 0% scaling. What you are describing is effectively another variable coefficient to the one I describe in the other thread, but inversely. If we take your example of an added fixed linear 1.06x multiplier to 0% scaling, then it would begin as equivalent to a high monitor distance for low zooms, and as zoom increases this added multiplier to the 0% scale would become less dominant, and it would get closer and closer to 0% (probably around 40% for the actual zoom amounts that exist in games). This would definitely be the wrong way around for my preference, but clearly is the right way around for you. Although, I would go a step further and say this approach has potentially an “objective” (using the term loosely) flaw, in that for a very low zoom, such as one that would result in a multiplier of say 0.96x with 0% scaling, if you then scale up by a fixed linear multiplier of 1.06x on top then your ADS sens ends up being faster than hipfire sens even though the FOV has reduced. In other words, there would have to be sensibly low multiplier values and a minimum zoom level for it to apply and be logical. Even then, low / medium zooms would still likely have a monitor distance far out of screen space even with e.g only a 1.1x multiplier etc. That’s not to say it’s wrong for you to prefer a faster aiming sensitivity than hipfire, it’s just that it’s not really logical IMO.
    1 point
  3. Both negative mouse acceleration and framerate affected sensitivity in this game unfortunately, can't be added.
    0 points
  4. These old games can't be added unfortunately, the sensitivity is all over the place even with unofficial patches etc.
    0 points
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