You can do it manually. I updated my previous post. This is really uniqe needs. And it is not necessary to implement it. Because it is practicaly individual adjusting. And for that there is standard monitor distance method.
In that video yes. But coefficient is changing depanding on your input and output (Win/Hipfire/ADS/Scope). You can imagine coeficient as a reference point on your monitor. And you can always find a position from which other Aims will have less deviation in sensitivity than from another position.
And you can do it by changing coefficient in game if implemented, or by changing sensitivity of each Aim separately
Great job! Mission completed I made a quick check in CS:GO and works good. Now it's perfect
If you are playing more games, first option is better (360° for Hipfire)
I will share with you guys little philosophy behind the vertical methods. As you play, you will focus most on the area of the screen around the crosshair. And of course you want the minimum difference in sensitivity here. Rather than having zero deviation in sensitivity at the edge of the screen, for example (MD 100%). I prepared some examples below for you.
Jedi’s Trick - Vertical (Recommended)
Settings 1 Settings 2 Settings 3
As you can see vertical method have lower deviation between points in focused area which is represented by orange square (VFOV = HFOV = "1:1").
Jedi’s Trick - Horizontal
Settings 4 Settings 5 Settings 6
Horizontal method will find lowest deviation in sensitivity for whole horizontal field of view. But differences in focused area are bigger.