The apex legends fov slider doesnt show any decimals. You can slide it to multiple steps and it will still say 104, so you won't end up with exactly 104 (1.4675 cl_fovScale). You have to look at your config to get your true fov. Your value of 1.471401 is ~104.2836. So what you want to do is set up apex legends first, then open its config file and then transfer those values (because these are your true values) to aim lab to train your aim, or mouse-sensitivity to convert to other games.
Here I set game units to config file, put in your values, and then flipped it back to in-game units. You can see the fov is not exactly 104, and its matching mouse-sensitivity's 360 distance on the scope, which scales from fov. If the fov was wrong it would scale to the ADS incorrectly.
You can also use this calculator to see how buggy apex is