I think you're going about it wrong. You're trying to make the cursor behave weird instead of just panning the screen or making the desktop 3D. The distances are affected in 3D because there is distortion and curvature, so it makes no sense for the cursor to behave weird when the 2D desktop has neither. It's already behaving how it is supposed to. If you decrease the FOV, which decreases the distortion and curvature, you will see that the mouse characteristics already start to resemble 2D more and more as you approach 0 FOV. At 1 FOV any conversion method in the calculator (Jedi's Trick has to be set to 1:1 resolution) will approximately match the speed and distance of the cursor.
If you want to simulate 3D aiming then you have to move the screen instead of the cursor (e.g. panning in a photo viewer, or playing mcOsu's original fps mod, not fposu). If you want the speed of the desktop, with the distances reflecting the distortion on the screen, then you just convert using 0%. It doesn't matter what FOV you convert to/from, the cursor will increment 1 pixel for each count, and the camera will rotate 1 center pixel's worth of degrees. The circumference of the 3D projection (the red sphere in your diagram) divided by the distance to travel the projection's circumference (the cm/360, and the orange sphere in your diagram), will be identical to the distance the cursor travels divided by the distance the hand/mouse travels.