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  1. I wouldn't bother going through the effort of converting your old sensitivity. You have already gotten used to your new sensitivity, and the change would have been small. Something like this for example: 24.5" to 27", still 90 4:3 fov, and still 1920x1080. Only variable that changed was the monitor size. On the 27" that 90 fov would be equivalent to 84 fov on the 24.5", which isnt what you played at. 90 fov on the 24.5" is equivalent to 96 fov on the 27", which also isnt what you are playing at. If you want to keep the same cm/360, you have to use 96 fov on the 27". Since you are still using 90 fov, you have to scale the cm/360 using focal lengths. You can find the change in focal length by simply comparing monitor size since thats the only variable that changed. 24.5/27 is the change in focal length. 10%. If it was fov instead, you would just compare fovs, using TAN(BeforeFOV/2 * PI/180) / TAN(AfterFOV/2 * PI/180), in this case you would do 84 and 90, or 90 and 96, both would also give 10%. This calculator is nice for visualising the focal length. It's showing the measurement in pixels though, for the physical measurement you need monitor size and resolution to figure out how large a pixel is. Screen size is diagonal, so you need diagonal resolution to get pixel size. Assuming a standard 240hz 1920x1080 24.5" monitor, playing Overwatch at 103 FOV 16:9 with 5 sensitivity and 800 Mouse DPI. DiagonalResolution (pixels) = SQRT(HorizontalResolution^2 + VerticalResolution^2) = SQRT(1920^2 + 1080^2) = 2202.9071700822983 PixelSize (cm) = (ScreenSize * 2.54) / DiagonalResolution = (24.5 * 2.54) / SQRT(1920^2 + 1080^2) = 0.02824903420586495 VerticalFOV (degrees) = (360 * ATAN(TAN(103/2 * PI/180) / (16/9))) / PI = 70.53280043291679 FocalLength (pixels) = (VerticalResolution/2) / TAN(VerticalFOV/2 * PI/180) = (1080/2) / TAN(((360 * ATAN(TAN(103/2 * PI/180) / (16/9))) / PI)/2 * pi/180) = 763.6184800011152 ProjectionRadius (cm) = FocalLength * PixelSize = ((1080/2) / TAN(((360 * ATAN(TAN(103/2 * PI/180) / (16/9))) / PI)/2 * pi/180)) * ((24.5 * 2.54) / SQRT(1920^2 + 1080^2)) = 21.571484561782103 ProjectionCircumference (cm) = ProjectionRadius * 2 * PI = (((1080/2) / TAN(((360 * ATAN(TAN(103/2 * PI/180) / (16/9))) / PI)/2 * pi/180)) * ((24.5 * 2.54) / SQRT(1920^2 + 1080^2))) * 2 * PI = 135.5376348526406 SensitivityCircumference (cm) = 360 / (Sensitivity * Yaw * MouseDPI/2.54) = 360 / (5 * 0.0066 * 800/2.54) = 34.63636363636364 RealSensitivity (visuomotor ratio) = ProjectionCircumference / SensitivityCircumference = 135.5376348526406 / 34.63636363636364 = 3.9131600613623263 Or SensitivityCircumference (cm) = ProjectionCircumference / RealSensitivity = 135.5376348526406 / 3.9131600613623263 = 34.63636363636364
    1 point
  2. another great example of a benefit accel can give you would be fluid and less chunky movement you can mix that 60 to 80 cm/ rev precision with that 30cm speed
    1 point
  3. The best thing about focal length is that you can use it to calculate your true, universal sensitivity value, taking all variables into account. Maybe it will become the standard measurement to share how fast your sensitivity is with someone in the future, who knows. At the moment people share cm/360 values, but that is only slightly better than sharing eDPI values. It still doesn't tell anyone how sensitive the mouse is as you don't know their monitor size, fov, and how much of the monitor that fov is occupying. All it really tells you is how tedious it is to turn corners and change directions. Basically the focal length is the radius of the projection, and the length of the radius will vary depending on the fov and how large a pixel is (resolution and monitor size). You use the radius to calculate the circumference. The size of the circumference becomes your cm/360 (which is also a circumference). You then divide that cm/360 by a number. That number is your universal sensitivity value, which I call visuomotor since it's a ratio between visual and motor. If you have a sensitivity of 4, then your projection's circumference is always 4x larger than your sensitivity's circumference (cm/360). It is similar to getting your real 2D sensitivity, which is how fast/far the cursor travels relative to your mouse. If you have a sensitivity of 4, then your cursor moves 4x faster/further than your mouse. If you convert 0% mm from windows to a game, then your universal sensitivity value becomes the same as your real 2D sensitivity. Your camera moves at the same speed as the cursor. The distances to reach things on the screen is all different though but that doesn't matter, that's the pitfall of monitor distance. But yeah, if you are just scaling sensitivity between fovs, without changing anything else, then you can safely use 0% mm. It will calculate the change thats happening to the focal length / radius, and change your cm/360 by the same factor. Both of those spheres in the picture will scale by the same rate, and 0% will keep that ratio the same.
    1 point
  4. Try MDH 100%, MDV 133.334% or MDV 100%. These are the most common ones, which you've been accustomed into if you have played without changing the ADS multiplier in first person shooters. It's mainly these and 0% that developers choose for their games.
    1 point
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