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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/2021 in all areas

  1. sc0zz

    Back 4 Blood

    Thank you my man. So I'm good to go. Just choose "all" set my fov and job done. Great stuff thanks. Keep up the sterling work
    1 point
  2. DPI Wizard

    Back 4 Blood

    It's specified just for information (and is unrelated to what you use to convert). This is how the game scales the sensitivity with the FOV, so Monitor Distance Horizontal 100% means that if e.g. the horizontal FOV is halved, the 360 distance is doubled. Some games do scale sensitivity to vertical FOV even though they use horizontal FOV, so it's not necessarily linked.
    1 point
  3. daybes


    scoped sensitivity was added in the Update that just went live 12/2/2021 1:00 PM EST
    1 point
  4. The following command will fix it for you: $path = '\Documents\Battlefield 2042\settings\'; $infile = 'PROFSAVE_Profile'; $outfile = 'PROFSAVE_Profile_Patch3'; Rename-Item $env:USERPROFILE$path$infile $outfile; Get-Content $env:USERPROFILE$path$outfile | Select-String -pattern "ConceptYaw" -notmatch | Out-File -Encoding utf8NoBOM $env:USERPROFILE$path$infile Just paste that into powershell and hit enter. It will rename the existing file and otherwise leave it untouched. It will then create a copy of it with the correct name and the broken lines removed. If you use nonstandard bindings you'll need to recreate them but chances are that's all. HTH
    1 point
  5. b1scu17

    Battlefield 2042

    Interesting! What absolutely tilted me was that the one night it started being so delayed and it didn't want to go away. I quit the game, joined back in and still there. I rebooted my PC, joined back in and still there. Just left and came back the next day. But I won't be having any more issues with BF2042. Fixed all the 2042 performance issues by uninstalling
    1 point
  6. philheath

    Battlefield 2042

    for people who cant move there mouse left and right, delete the 2042 prosave files in Documents, DICE is down tremendously :'D
    1 point
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