I think I need some support with the Hunt conversions - I'am a little bit confused. Would be great if you guys could help me. Due the raising popularity of Hunt it may also be valuable for other users.
Reasons for my confusion:
Control scheme dependant default FOV (Hunter = Default / Gunslinger = Aim (Hint: Not Aim Down Sight!)
Two values for HipMouseSensitivity (config) / Shoulder Aim (ingame): "Hipfire" and "ADS"
Example: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=f69b81c93dc3820b12765fd5b2f2191b
My Goal:
Select the Control Scheme (Hunter or Gunslinger) and match the default view to the target fov. [idea: via "Special Option 1"?]
Target FOV=Default (= Look around, gun is lowered)
Match Default (Look around) Sensitivity for 360
Match all other sensitivities regarding your personal conversion selection (e.g. MDH 0%)
Target FOV=Aim (= Default for Gunslinger control scheme users, gun is raised but not ADS)
Match Default (Aim, but not Aim Down Sight!) Sensitivity for 360
Match all other sensitivities regarding your personal conversion selection (e.g. MDH 0%)
Just two other side note:
The Ingame FOV slider is limited to 110 - maybe the config has the same limitiation
The Testservers are currently only and have everything unlocked
Thanks for your help!