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  1. My bad for not understanding correctly in the first place. Thanks for the clarification and for updating this game.
    1 point
  2. Pick a gun and scope you like the most, and use that value. You can't have an accurate sens on all guns and scopes at the same time. What I did was I just chose the median of all the values, so at least it's ballpark there. But I use MDV 0% method, so mine only differed by +/- 0.05
    1 point
  3. No, I said it uses a vdeg multiplier. Meaning that the FOV value you set in the game is a multiplier for the actual vertical FOV you get. The devs did this to (in a very clunky way) try to get "close" to CSGO in terms of FOV value. I think their thought process was that CSGO uses a 4:3 based FOV, so if we multiply the vertical FOV by 3/4 we get the same thing... Which is not correct. But it's what the game uses. So if you set a FOV of 100 in-game, what you actually get is 100*0.75 which is 75 vdeg.
    1 point
  4. Mouse sens isn't a mystery or a black art. It's either the correct amount of yaw/pitch per x number of counts sent from a mouse, as per the method you are choosing to match, or it isn't. "Feel" is irrelevant to that process. This just sounds like you haven't yet decided what the best way for you to match ADS is for your own preference, but you should also check that your mouse software doesn't have an automatic profile for a game that has a different dpi set. You should also note that different games have other mechanics that can make aim feel different, such as the camera viewport position in both z axis and y axis vs it's pivot point (some games tie the camera physically to a character models head which then moves as per the character animations, which usually sets the camera slightly forward of its pivot point, others position the camera and pivot directly within the character's centre mass vertically and the character model just bobs around it), and also strafe movement speed can play a huge part because people rarely aim when completely stood still. Some games also scale during ADS transitions differently, and since you don't usually aim then turn, but rather aim *and* turn simultaneously, this can also massively change how aiming feels even at exactly the same sensitivity. The calculator can match the mouse sensitivity, FOV and resolutions in a multitude of fashions you can select, but not all the other facets of the game - you still need to learn / adapt to play the "new game" somewhat.
    1 point
  5. Hello, I basically bought subscription to make 1:1 Windows sens to game sens. However, measured values by calculator feel very off. I played around with it quite a bit, and still did not mange to match 1:1 sens. I dont know how your calculator matches windows to game sens but it feels wrong. I also, tried to make my own calculation and it felt significantly better. I practiced on kovaaks for 10-15 mins with my calculated sens then moved to aim400kg.com i tried to snap to each target to see if i overshoot or undershoot. Suprisingly it felt pretty good. I dont think my calculation is perfect, but maybe it is something to consider. (monitor width(pixels)/(dpi/inch))*(360/in-game fov(horizontal)) = your sens in cm per 360 I didnt bother simplifying the formula, because im a bit lazy Any ideas? who else tried it can you give me how you found it.
    1 point
  6. 100% MDH means that moving the cursor form the center of the monitor to the edge will be the same mouse movement as moving the crosshair to aim at what is at the edge of the monitor. 50% MDH means the same movement to the half the distance to the edge. 0% means the same pixel ratio, i.e. one pixel movement in Windows is one pixel movement in the game. MDH does all this for the horizontal axis, while MDV does it for the vertical. Using vertical has the benefit that any increased width (like going from 16:9 to 21:9) keeps the same sensitivity in the 16:9 portion.
    1 point
  7. DPI Wizard

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Correct, should've been D5, not DC5! I'm using as short a name as possible since the entries will be very crowded eventually. Fixed it now, and also sorted the weapons alphabetically.
    1 point
  8. Drimzi

    Cyberpunk 2077

    (1/x)^zoomsensitivity seems to be the multiplier applied. x being 1.1, 1.2, or 1.5 depending on weapon. 0 = 1x. 2 = 1.21x, 1.44x, or 2.25x slower. For zoom fovs, it seems to subtract but it varies per weapon and not per weapon class. The unity pistol has a different zoom than the lexington for example. Quite disappointing overall.
    1 point
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