You can make any curve in Custom Curve. You are best off experimenting as you will find something better most likely.
In case you want to factually recreate your old synapse accel curve, only option is to do some reverse engineering. Just install the old driver / mouse you are used to at the same time as Custom Curve, and then use an Autohotkey script whilst toggling between the two, measuring the resulting sensitivity using a precise amount of counts from the script, and adjusting the value in Custom Curve until you have the same length of line. You'd need to use the AutoHotInterception Library to send it through the driver, and then just match up the razer sensitivity at each count per update with a resulting sensitivity value in Custom Curve. You could do this using just drawing simple lines in paint until they match to the pixel. It would take a few hours of your time but is straight forward enough to do. Once you have mapped the curve, then just save it for future use on your new mouse / driver.
Here's some simple code I just wrote that would do the task for you in AHK with the AHI library, just read through the dox on the github page to get setup.
#SingleInstance force
#include <AutoHotInterception>
SetBatchLines -1
AHI := new AutoHotInterception()
; scrolllock to enable
; Left click to start loop
; right click to stop loop
; ctrl-s to save edits in notepad and reload script
; ctrl-esc to close script
; ------------------------------------- Set Mouse ID Here ----------------------------------------------------
mouseid := AHI.GetMouseId(0x046D, 0xC53F) ; This is an example - set YOUR mouse VID/PID numbers here!
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if GetKeyState("Scrolllock", "T")
a := 500 ; Parameter 1 (total number of packets looped - use this to form a length of line to compare between Razer & Custom Curve value)
loop %a%
b := 1 ; Parameter 2 (counts sent per packet - start at 1 and increase until you have covered all your hand speed values in Custom Curve)
AHI.Instance.SendMouseMoveRelative(mouseid, b, 0)
DllCall("Sleep", "UInt", 10)
Until GetKeyState("RButton", "P")
Sleep 100