"I have started to test about wrist movement and the average that an individual can do. After some research I found an average (The sum of the movement to the right and left) would be between 15.358 cm to 17.8cm (15.358cm / 16.80cm / 17.00cm / 17.20cm / 17.80cm)I have started to test about wrist movement and the average that an individual can do. After some research I found an average (The sum of the movement to the right and left) would be between 15.358 cm to 17.8cm (15.358cm / 16.80cm / 17.00cm / 17.20cm / 17.80cm) "
exclusively using your wrist is unhealthy+inefficient when you overextend your wrist regularly
you should use the proper range of motion your arm wrist and hands (fingers )can provide and mix between them depending on the motion you need
as for the most practical method of conversion
^this would come to mind since its the only somewhat reliable way of matching your sens between 2d and 3d
^comes at the cost of not having the same 360 distance unless you match your fov
using anything faster than default 0%windows match doesn't really make sense from a uniformity and consistency point of view
(if you go above 800, you might as well change your pointer speed )
depending on who you ask the ideal 360 dist can change significantly , i wouldn't wanna go faster than 30cm and slower than 60 cm (add acceleration and you can go up to 90cm in games like csgo and val)
wish you and your country the best of luck with that covid stuff