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  1. DPI Wizard


    It just gives you a different sensitivity. For MDV, which matches the vertical axis, the point usually to match something that does not change with aspect ratio. For instance the default match in CSGO is MDH 100% in 4:3 aspect ratio. This means that even in 16:9 it still matches the 4:3 portion of the monitor. So technically it's the same as MDH 75% in 16:9, but the issue is that this doesn't translate to other aspect ratios. For 16:10 it's MDH 83.33333% and for 43:18 it's 55.814%. However MDV 133.3333% with be correct for all these aspect ratios as it only matches the vertical axis and not the horizontal.
    2 points
  2. Pyroxia


    Yes. Also its called focal length. If u interested how aim works you can look this guide too. Only thing I don't recommend in this guide matching your sensitivity %0 from windows to game. Also if u familiar with aimtrainers. Huddled is %100mdh from windows to game Yamu and Drimzi %0. For shroud he is %100 MDh from windows to game (only in cs go). If u match ur hipfire from windows to game it helps you to play 2d games much easier.
    1 point
  3. DPI Wizard


    MDV 0%, MDV 100%, MDV 133.3333% or MDH 100%. In that order they are from slow to fast, and are a mix of what games use by default. Try them all and see which one feels most natural to you. Most seem to prefer MDV 0%, so I would start there. If it's too slow on scopes, go up from there.
    1 point
  4. Pyroxia


    For me best way is matching hipfire from windows to game %0-300 and for scopes I think %0 is flawless. Because %100 feels so inaccurate when you zoom.
    1 point
  5. DPI Wizard


    It depends on what you want and what you are used to. A lot of games default to MDH 100%, but some might find it too fast for scopes so a lower value is more suitable.
    1 point
  6. Rukishou

    Game request archive

    Maybe this is too out there but... Name: Metroid Prime Trilogy w/ PrimeHack Website: https://github.com/SirMangler/PrimeHack-Updater/releases Status: 1.0 is out but development continues Availability: PrimeHack is free, but a dump of the Wii game is required The FAQ says you can simply multiply a Source engine sens by 4.62 but I'm not sure that's right
    1 point
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